
Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by hillelfood, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. A fukin lizard ran into my growbox somehow. Does any one have any suggestions on how to get it out.
  2. [​IMG]

    You need a Cookaburra.

    Wait, are you in Australia?
  3. haha na man. But seriously, if I leave it in there do you think it would it eat my plant?
  4. Yeah, it might, depends on which type of lizard ofcourse.
  5. get some tongs for cooking and throw that thing on the barby But seriously tongs should work just hold them tight so he doesn't bite ya. Put it in a box he cant get out and kick the deadbeat out of your house.
  6. #6 Joe Luxon, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010

    Nope, it wont harm your plants in anyway.. Actually it'll probably eat any insects that happen to fly in there.. and it should love the warmth of your grow lights.

    EDIT: oh noes!!! Aparently there are a few lizards that like eating plants. Did the lizard that ran into your growbox look like either of these?


    and Iguana:
  7. Anything that eats spider mites should be welcome:)
  8. lol, uromastyx or iguana? Uros only live in africa man
    unless its an escaped pet...
    this rocks, Id just keep it and start a little self contained ecosystem that produces marijuana.

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