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Living With Non-Stoners (Not Parents)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by hoppka47, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Well I got a in a new student house and have been here for about 2 or 3 months. Before moving in we were all really good friends we would go play pool at the bar three times a week and are in the same program. They knew I smoked and didn't care at all. But they were never around me when I did it cause I only saw them in class or at the bar where I was high but not smoking. Anyways we move in and they set rules and I managed to be allowed to smoke in the house. So I be nice and smoke in my room except for maybe late at night ill go down and toke by the record player. Anyways now they all pretty much hate me except for the one other guy hes chill and we play wii and I hit poppers in his face he don't care. But the other people get mad at me for everything I leave around, yell at me for making noise (I play acoustic guitar) and then when I smoke anything I say they are like ' what shut up your stoned your and idiot, your opinion means nothing.
    I told them if they want I can smoke outside I would just prefer to smoke inside and they say don't smoke outside we said you could do it inside.
    anyone else have some horrible situations with housemates. Its getting on my nerves,, everyone being pissed at me allthe time... At least Im sky high most da time

  2. Idk but if they called me a idiot stoner and my opinions value is nothing, I'd crank him on in the face.
  3. Playing devil's advocate here: my old roommate used to be that way. He was fine the first couple of months, but after the rest of us were cleaning his shit and listening to him be a dumbass for a few months, we had had enough and pretty much shunned him...and we were all stoners too. 

    Now, them saying "you're an idiot pothead"...that's wrong on their part.

    Confront them and be like "what can I change to make you not be pissed at me all the time." Try making a change like picking up after yourself 100% and playing your guitar a little bit quieter. Don't smoke in anywhere but your bedroom. If they still give you shit, find new roommates.
  4. Doesn't sound like good friends to me, looks like some pointless drama is stirring up. If it's getting on your nerves then make a plan by saving up cash and finding your own place, from there you wouldn't have to deal with such petty nonsense. 
  5. It's very difficult to get like-minded people to live together as students,as all are from different backgrounds..So if you have mates who cannot tolerate your lifestyle, best would be to look for another room..
  6. i couldn't live with being abused like that man. I'd get out. 
  7. It doesn't really sound like its the weed that's the problem but the mess and the noise. Room-mates are always tolerant at first because everyone is on their best behavior but over time, the little things start to irritate a person more.
    As a guy above me suggested, try to be neater and tidier, play the guitar quieter or wait til you're alone and ask if there's anything else you can fix to make them more comfortable.
    Lastly, the bad thing is that some people's personalities just won't connect with others. Not necessarily your fault or theirs. It's just that sometimes some people ain't meant to room together.
  8. #8 openlight, Jun 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2013
    That doesn't sound cool but you don't know if it's a problem they have with you or with things you're doing. I'd say be perfect and make no noise and maybe smoke somewhere else for like a few days and then see if they still have some kinda problem with you, and if they don't just do the same stuff as before but quieter or less or something. It sounds like it's fine to smoke inside if they have said you can and they told you don't smoke outside so that doesn't seem to be the problem but you know some people just have that feeling towards weed and people who smoke it, like they don't wanna ban it from their presence but it doesn't mean they like it.

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