Living at home

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by skatealex2, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. #1 skatealex2, Oct 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2009
    It is kind of annoying to live at home because i have a laundry machine attached to my room and my mom can be annoying , but on the other hand i don't have to pay bills, i have food , a bed and my dad pays for my college which i appreciate ................................................

    i am looking for jobs though and once i can save up enough cash, I will gladly move out of my house and probably have a much easier time focusing on my life and moving on........... the economy fucking sucks though, im sure a few years ago, becoming financially independent could have been a lot easier......... and it doesn't help not having a career in mind, although i am trying to find some bandmates and maybe music can save my life at some point..........

    The weird thing to me is that this seems to be the case with most of my friends tooo, even ones that are older than me. it would be nice though to get some peaceful solitude or even better- i can throw psychedelic parties and have all sorts of interesting social events when I am feeling up to it. also probably wouldn't be able to resist growing tons of mushrooms and budda ether in my kitchen !

    How about the rest of you blades? Anyone stuck living at home?

    or if you have been successful in getting out how did you pull it off?

  2. Living in Michigan (aka the asshole of the economy) and a part time job is all I've got right now, I feel your pain.
  3. im with ya on that man. im taking some time off school to figure out what i wanna do and make some money. making money part is kinda hard now, my job ended cause it was at a seasonal resort. get to work tonight though!! small group came in. i gotta find another job for the winter unless i can get unemployment.

    im hopin to have saved up enough by next fall to move back out west, but well see..
  4. yeah it sucks balls. i have no rules or anything except i dont like to just leave my house to smoke and come back in like 20 min later. i wish i just went to college this year instead of takin a year off. i cant find a job with this fuckin economy so i cant move out until january and i will finally b on my own:hello: and blaze all day:smoking:

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