little white/cream colored bugs

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sam seedsmoker, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. little white/cream colored bugs on top of the leaves any one have idea of what they might b? they don't seem to b doing any harm:confused: there is no gnats, they're nothing i've seen b-4. very small but not as small as mites!
  2. I dont know what they are. Try smoking them.
  3. Could be any number of insects including whiteflies or thrips. No negative symptoms? You could take action with a sort of insecticide before it gets bad. Don't really have personal experience with any products for those but it's worth looking into if you think it's gonna be a major problem. Very carefully inspect your leaves over the next few days, and if anything shows up, post pics/info here.
  4. i've seen them 4 awhile now, not very many of them they must not reproduce quickly? there r a couple little dead spots on leaves but never put the two together. not temps r low 2 so it would have to b able to live n low 60's:eek: yea i know thats 2 cool but just moved 2 new place and haven't got the enviroment set up yet. and i have seen the bugs at old house
  5. i use sm90 and purge for bugs. kills the eggs and shit too.

    i had a problem with fungus gnats last grow and some small white soil bugs that might have been their larva. sm90 killed the soil bugs over about 3 weeks and purge killed the adults within an hour when ever i turned the mister on. used the purge with one of those time misters they have in public restrooms until 2nd week of ripening with no noticeable residue on the final product.

    if you use it just set the mister where it sprays mist in to the air. not on to the plants. the leaves that get directly misted get burnt and die off but if you use it right i havnt seen any bad results except the smell when it sprays.
  6. the only thing that looked close was a aphid but it said that they fly.and there was nothing flyin. i had a old bottle of bug killer said it worked on all kinds of stuff including spidermites two applications latter no bugz. got the stuff out of a box of stuff my grandma had when she died 6years ago can't believed it worked:hello: have to name it after her, cents it has no name.

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