little known Stoner facts

Discussion in 'General' started by wazoo42o, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Do you know any interesting but little known Stoner facts the world would like to know about?
  2. Not all stoners are lazy.
  3. Burn cruises are tight b-hole

  4. Not all stoners are stupid either. :smoking:
  5. Stoners eat even after They just ate
  6. You can't spend the whole day getting high if you don't start in the morning! True stoner fact.
  7. Smoke weed Everyday
  8. Marijuana kilz brain cells
  9. Resin builds lung strength
  10. Yuk..

  11. Not sure about this one..
  12. Come back when you are

  13. Brb improving my lungs by filling them with burnt tar
  14. But it gets you high, doesn't it?
  15. some stoners work out
  16. Pizza is a delicacy to stoners.
  17. You have $5 and walk into a taco bell BLAZED... What do you do?
  18. Stoners are actually sometimes some of the nicest people around and ushually are up for a good conversation.
  19. Hungry stoners
  20. When one doth toke, one doth'nt stop smiling.

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