So I started noticing that this new born of 1.5 weeks from initial leafing began to curl a bit. This is my first plant and I want it to grow healthy. The specs of the growing are as follows Germination: 24 hours in covered shot glass until sunk to the bottom. Seed was then moved to a small container in which it sprouted and is in current container. Growing so far: During the day I have the plant outside and in direct sun. During the night or not so bright day I put it under a 100W 6500k fluorescent light bulb approximately 5 inches above. Should I be worried? Soil: Miracle Grow Moisture Control Water: Distilled Bottle Water Light: 18 hours on 6 hours off The Plant
Its probaly the MG... although its so slight I wouldn't even worry about it. If your using a cfl bulb you can put it like an inch to 2 inches away from your plant's top, even fluros.
Well depending on how strong the ferts are in there, yea. The problem with MG is the slowed released nutes, which is pretty strong for seedlings. You have no control over what your plant gets when. Try to get some better soil next time. That little seedling will make it, probaly just suffer some nute burn. How big is the container its in?
It's in a six inch pot for now. When it turns 3 or 4 weeks old I'll replant it into a 5 gallon hydroponic system and an 600W HPS.
Ok so I really don't know what the big deal is about the MG soil. On another forum I got flamed left and right about using the soil but it seems to be doing just fine now. It really took off.
It really just depends. It works for some people and for other people it burns their plants lol. When it comes down to it though it will get the job done. My only problem with it is the time released ferts. You have no control over what your plant gets when, it all depends those pesky time released ferts. Oh yea and the other problem I have with MG is this, yea Im kinda of an environmentalist I know lol. From Organic Gardening Magazine, July/August 2000 Issue. Miracle-Gro is a synthetic fertilizer that contains ammonium phosphate and several other chemicals that can be toxic to your soil and plants. It is prohibited from use in certified-organic farming. Here's what soil expert Robert Parnes, Ph.D., says in his book Fertile Soil: "[Ammonium fertilizer] acidifies the soil, and thus it is probably more harmful to soil organisms than any other nitrogen fertilizer . . . . The application has to be timed carefully and placed properly to avoid burning the leaves and roots . . . . In addition, ammonium tends to inhibit the release of . . . potassium . . . Ammonium fertilizers are deliberately manufactured to be spread at high application rates in order to obtain maximum yields with no regard to adverse effects on the soil. Probably nowhere is the conflict between the mass production of food to feed the world and the preservation of the soil more obvious than in the confrontation over the use of either ammonium fertilizers or liquid ammonia." And there's more: long-term studies at the University of Wisconsin have shown that acidic chemical fertilizers are causing serious, permanent damage to our soils. Usually these fertilizers are also highly soluble, so they leach away and pollute our water systems, too. Soil fertility authority Garn Wallace, Ph.D., of Wallace Laboratories in El Segundo, California, points out that Miracle-Gro contains muriate of potash, which contains excess chlorine that will burn plants and inhibit the uptake of nitrogen. Dr. Wallace also warns that products such as Miracle-Gro often contain unsafe levels of zinc and copper that will be toxic to soil life. And if all that's not enough to convince you to avoid this stuff, consider this: you have to mix Miracle-Gro with water and apply it ever "7 to 14 days." If you opt to fertilize organically, on the other hand, all you have to do is mix a ½-inch layer of grass clippings into your beds before each crop. As the grass decomposes, it will improve your soil's texture and stimulate microbial life and help prevent disease, all while releasing plenty of nutrients to feed your plants. (For full details on organic fertilizers, see "How to Fertilize Your Garden," Organic Gardening, July/August 2000.) -KATHY BAUMGARTNER, Fremont, Michigan And in Closing I Must Add... "Real Gardeners Grow Without Miracles!"
I dunno, I've used ammonium based ferts for my grass...lawn grass lol...and you can putt all day on that thing. I don't have a lot of experience growing cannabis but as far as other plants, grass and tree's have all grown with some sort of miracle grown soil or supplements. real gardenerrs might grow without miracles but not all of us get PH.d's to figuer the best way to grow. I'd take my lawn and garden proof over that guys political agenda...I mean PHD P.S. I through some banana peals in there for the hell of it. dunno if it'll help it in anyway