So I moved my lights up to 19 inches in vegetation stage( they were a little close 12") ...I use fox farm soil and ph meter says 7.5 on the meter
Consider either purchasing a lux or quantum meter, or use an app for your phone. This will allow you to gauge how much light your plants are receiving at the canopy. You want ~20,000 - 40,000 at the canopy.
check the specs for you height, with your light maker.. or leaf the temp gauge at topmost leaf height and adjust for 77F/25c I'd be adding some 25% perlite to avoid burning FFOF is hot stuff and hold off the nute some good luck
plants are healthy Vee hit it on head. FF soil or any fert rich soil can give you leaf tip burn like what you are seeing. A few plain waterings.
What's crazy, so I've been using my old aquarium lights that grew coral I did a lux test how is having all lights on less stronger then just have the clears and reds on (I turned blue off)
I'm giving you a relative number, but the actual lux readings are not super accurate with LEDs because the don't register properly. You would need to use a quantum meter, which at the time of me purchasing my lux meter, comparatively, the quantum meters were just too expensive (~$300+). Currently you can get one much cheaper. I believe blues will register higher lux numbers than reds, but in reality, the numbers could be the same. although it is weird that the reds only are brighter...