I had some bagseed that I started a few weeks before my real beans came. So I began flowering them and there in week 2 of flowering, I weeded out the male 4 of the 9 were, so i was left with 5 females. One was just huge!! I called her big Momma. Well theres no cage on my osclialting fan, it kept falling off. So Sunday I went down there and noticed that Big Momma was smaller. Then I noticed the fan had loosend from its base and fell. FUCK ME!!!! My Mom just happened to be over and I removed the hacked main stem that had already began to flower big time and put it into a pot with root hormone which my Mom had in her car. The hacked piece is alive and making a comeback in the veg closet, what used to be Big Momma is fine even though her main stem is open and almost looks hollow. Anyone wanna tell me what will happen? Should I even bother with the hacked part? Will my potency be less cause of this?Any advice besides get a new fan? At least it was Bagseed.