List of US politicians who used cannabis

Discussion in 'Politics' started by epiq, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Pretty neat, had no idea, sarah and abe toked :D. Gives me a tad more respect of Sarah, makes sense though. You can legally posses under an ounce in alaska i believe, dont quote me on that lol
  2. I think it's certain parts of Alaska, not the whole state. In some towns you can not even posses alcohol because the towns are so small, and every person is so vital, alcohol would destroy them.
  3. #4 NORRIN RADD, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    That's a nice list. But the reason why some parts of Alaska are dry is because alcohol abuse and alcohol-related violent crimes are so high. The parts of Alaska that are dry were voted dry by the people who live there. I saw it on that Alaskan State Troopers show.
  4. That's where I had seen it as well.
  5. Don't want to get off topic but those State Troopers are seriously outnumbered.
  6. #7 TheDankery, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    I thought Bush kind of sort of admitted Marijuana use in a private conversation... that was recorded by a dude by the name of... Doug Wead. LOLZ. Wead.

    So, why wouldn't he just answer "No, I didn't try marijuana"?

    Not that it matters, really...

    edit: also, look at this.

    (Bill Clinton)

    does that look like a dude who "didn't inhale"? That ***** looks like you could maybe buy a bag off him, then listen to Revolution 9. in his studio apartment after a couple joints... after you get out of English 200 or whatever, of course.
  7. David Patterson is on the list lol

    Isnt he blind?
  8. He's legally blind.

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