[LINK] Where To Buy The Power Adaptor For The MFLB

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by mmm223300, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 mmm223300, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Hey GC,

    Many of you have probably heard about the rumored power adapter for the LB and everyone whos heard about it knows that its supposedly still in beta and isnt released yet. Well part of this is not true, you CAN buy the AC adaptor RIGHT NOW from Magic-Flight's website, IF you know the secret link ;).

    Being a new member of GC I thought I would share this link with you guys because I know a lot of you have probably been looking forward to its release. So here it is:


    The only problem is at this point its gonna cost you a steep $65. While thats not enough to buy another Launch Box, it is enough to buy about 20 Powerex batteries (http://amzn.to/dWYqdQ).

    The upside, however, is that the AC adapter has a dimmer switch on it which can adjust the temp of the MFLB. Because you wont run out of energy faster, this switch allows you to make the LB very hot for as long as you want!

    A quote from MF:

    "It comes in two parts, a wall adapter and 6 feet of cord, and a converter with 3 feet of cord. There is an option to use a auto adapter instead of the wall adapter, which will be sold separately (it will be fairly inexpensive)."

    Im sure someone will find this link/overview useful, so enjoy!

    Pictures (Click To Enlarge):

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Nice find man. How'd you get a hold of that secret link?
  3. It took a long time searching and after following like 5 links I found a forum that had one post on like the 103rd page with that link lol.
  4. I think magic flight wanted this a secret... Now tons of people will be ordering it.. I've had the link forever but never posted it on grasscity because i was told not to because the beta adapter was still on the dl..
  5. Oh crap Im sorry, I honestly had no idea that Magic Flight wanted this to be a secret. I just thought that nobody knew the link. Should we just get this thread deleted?
  6. I'm not sure but i honestly think this link was supposed to be kept on the dl bro.. I was told that by a few people...
  7. If they wanted it a secret they wouldn't have had it on their website. I think the adapter is a little overpriced, I could justify $30, but this is just as expensive as a new Macbook charger...
  8. Again Im really sorry, I had no idea it was supposed to be so DL. I have no problem with this thread being deleted if thats what Magic Flight would want.
  9. The website isn't posted all over their website so how is it not a secret? People got the link of fc... Two or three people have told me it was supposed to be on the dl.. I could of got false information i'm just telling you what i was told.. Sorry for the confusion :smoking:
  10. This isn't supposed to be a secret, they want you to order them and review it is all.

    Yeah, because MFLB made a giant post announcing the AC and car adaptor. Why would they make a big announcement if it was supposed to be on the down low...

    There in beta phase, so if you order one now, your not getting a free new one when they create a final version.

    My friend has one and everytime it hits like a fresh battery. It takes a few tries to get used too, but for someone who vapes at home a lot at my desk, I'm getting one for sure.

    Whoever told you to keep this on the DL is trolling or just plain stupid.
  11. i want this
    but damn i need a mflb first
  12. I would love to see the insides of the control, and tip that goes in the LB. I think it would be easy to do a DIY one and just make one yourself.

  13. Fuck em

  14. LMAO!! this was me a 2 days ago. now i just need one of these adapters!
  15. any1 figured out how to do this with a cell phone charger yet?
  16. Does anyone know a webshop based in europe where I can find the mflb power adapter? I don't feel like ordering from the US.
  17. unfortunately there is only one place i know to get the PA and that's the mflb site
  18. that design looks really shit no offense. I mean...a wall adapter to a battery and back to the box? I think someone needs to make the MFLB have a plug like dvd players do or just have the adapter sticking out of it cuz that is just bad.
  19. calm down. you posted it already, and now you are going to hell.

  20. I found the wall adapter through their sale website. Without this guy's link. It took about a minute. So secretive ...

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