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Lingering effects days later?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dark Passenger, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Hey there everyone.

    So basically, a couple of days ago, I smoked three small bowls from my home made bong, and got preeeety darn baked. Well that was all fun and all, but ever since that night, for most of the day the past two days, I've been feeling really bizarre.

    Basically every morning, I've been waking up in a terrible mood for about 10 minutes, then get up and get ready for school feeling pretty much normal. But then, I soon start to feel kind of floaty, I find it harder to concentrate, and I've noticed that my memory has grown rather dull. In a way, it sort of feels like a mini high. Except I don't really enjoy it.

    So, any idea of what may be going on? Did I smoke too much? Will it go away? Will I just have to wait a few days. I'm taking break from smoking for a bit btw, until this all gets sorted out.

    I'm pretty new to this, so keep that in mind. xP Thanks in advance.
  2. Are you a new smoker? That happened to me the first couple of times I smoked.
  3. its like a weed hangover. You just feel a little high and sluggish.
  4. Completely normal. while I can't break down the science behind it like others on this board can, it's really not a big deal. Same thing happened to me when I first started, it will go away.
  5. Yeah I've heard of this happening to people, I can't tell if I experienced it myself because when I started smoking I was also drinking a lot and being forced to wake up early.
  6. It happens to everyone the first few times smoking.

    Be happy that's all you get, way better than a hangover.
  7. I always wake up in a bad mood, but a bowl fixes that.
  8. yeah the first time i smoked it had a lingering affect the next day its just ur first couple over loads of THC lol and Bmoney whats up wit the discliamer goin outa the way to keep ur paper trail down?
  9. here in iowa we call it a dro-over lol
  10. I love that feeling man. Just like you're cruising through your day...
  11. Perhaps you have reached the fabled state of "Perma-High!":eek:

    but yeah i get what you mean. it feels almost like when you are coming down just for an extended period. i usually feel burnt out and sluggish the day after when i get really high and smoke all day.
  12. I eat brownies all the time, this kinda happens as well. It lasts for about 10+ hours. The first 3-4 I am flipping out, couch lock out the ass, then I come Down to just high. I eat about 2 brownies. I wake up high as he'll the next day still. If I get any sleep at all. I try to sleeP, but my mind wonders to much then I feel like the bed is consuming me.
  13. Yeah, same thing happens to me if I smoke a metric ton of weed at one time :p.

    But hey, the time flies by.
  14. Haha, I actually live in Iowa. I'll have to see if anyone else actually calls it that.

    Well thanks to all of ya, that takes a load off my mind. Aaaaaand with that being said, I think I'm going to take a few hits and crash on the couch. :smoke:
  15. from what i understand when you smoke weed the chemicals being released into your brain don't leave your brain until about 48 hours after smoking and can leave you feeling different. this is different then it staying in your body for 4-6 months after smoking.

  16. Ah, I get what you're saying. Well that makes sense, it did feel like it was tapering off each day.

    Well, I just took a few hits, and everythings feeling real nice, so I guess this means two more day of it for me. :smoke:

  17. are you really? i havent met anyone on here from iowa lol around des moines???
    and well thats what me and my friends call it hahaha ima have it tomorrow haha
  18. lol...

  19. I used to feel kinda groggy the day after i smoked like the first few times i smoked. but thats it.

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