Lil Wayne's New Song Green & Yellow

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by HeadySpaghetti, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - Green and Yellow - Lil' Wayne (NEW BEST QUALITY!) [2011][/ame]

    Just wondering how can Lil Wayne use the same beat completely and use very similar lyrics to Wiz's song Black & Yellow . Is he allowed to do that?
  2. I kind of got tired of Wayne after the carter 3. I still respect him for his work, but Im not feelings his new shit.
  3. Because Lil Wayne is about as innovative and creative as my pinky finger.

    On a more serious note, I believe it's instigating a rivalry between football teams, or something?
  4. the original remains the best version
  5. I also think its weird how he was rapping about being a saints fan a few years ago and now hes a packers fan.

  6. Sucky beat, even worse lyrics...when is this dude going to rap about real life? fuck money, fuck pussy, and he can rap about weed, but not THAT much, i mean...yeah wayne, we know you smoke a lot, we know you got lots of money, we know you fuck any pussy you go out there and EARN IT.
    Hate me if you want, this dude cant rap for shit.

  7. And let the retarded lil wayne arguments begin.

  8. No man, i'm not going to argue, don't worry....there's no reason to argue over someone who doesn't deserve it... ;)
    Plus arguing over the internet is retarded and gay.
  9. Well your post is usually the kind of post that sets it off. Just to let you know ;)
  10. Okay no one answered me question in the 8 posts here.

  11. Yes hes allowed lol

  12. I thought it was more of a rhetorical question.
  13. #13 murdermore410, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    wayne killed that shit. fuck the STEALers. imma bandwagon cheese head for a week
  14. I'm interested in hearing this................. BRB!!!

  15. ...... All I've got to say is, WOW, I F'ing like it!!!

  16. This is shit bull.
  17. Because it's lil wayne everybody is going crazy over it

    Here's a better version though
    [ame=]YouTube - Prophetic and Pizzle - Official "Green and Yellow" (GO PACK GO)[/ame]
    The first verse goes so hard
  18. lets go packers

    green and yellow green and yellow
  19. .... And his music has been blowing my mind.......

  20. yeah man he can do it..i dunno where you been theres only like 38634632847623 remixes to black and yellow and using other peoples beats for mixtapes and songs like that is very common

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