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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xDiMGTx, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. just want to start by saying if you hate liil wayne don't post some bullshit, im just asking if you do what are some of your favorites.
    personally i love most of no ceilings high, if u dont know it check it out, ice cream paintjob and watch my shoes are so nice when your ripped.
    others include
    pussy money weed
    drip drop
    pass the dutch
    alot more sick ones
    lil wayne in my opinion is great to hear high because hes high when he makes all his shit, and for some reason i kind of appreciate tht. i know most musicians do (especially rappers) but some of waynes verses are so nice listening to if u feel tht post some songs u like
  2. Lil wayne is a big sham. All his music is riddled with lies and I can assure you the work he's supposedly put in never occured. I'm not trying to derail this but listen to someone real. Listen to z-ro homie. Look into underground or less popular rappers not this pop music.
  3. Hes garbage when im sober but when im stoned hes still garbage :)

  4. i hear where ur coming from but when people judge lil wayne they mostly judge off his mainstream crap thats come out. i mean yeah its good for clubs nd shit but im talking about all those mixtapes nd shit. the work he put in has to be there bro, hes released alot of fuckin mixtapes haha. nd i mean i guess its his marijuana influenced shit just makes me like it ahah
  5. :hello:

    Rather listen to a whiny pubescent boy with a scratchy bitch-ass voice read a childrens book to me. Oh wait... ?
  6. Lil wayne high? That's like getting your teeth pulled out while high. It's still gonna be painful, and you're gonna be regretting it for a while afterwards.
  7. i like the song "im me" brings back so many memories from the bronx .

  8. my buls from the bronx but now were around philly. yeah tht songs tight

  9. Work as in the shit you do in the streets bra. Back in the day he used to claim he was a crip too and now he's supposedly a blood although he was even flaggin wrong in one of his videos. He's lucky he never has to run the real of gettin split because he has a security team with him the whole time. Normal people who actclike that get killed around here. He's a fake and just wants to appeal to all these idiot kids who glorify bein a "gangsta" but are scared to go to the hood. All I gotta do is look around me in the suburban school I go to and I see how many kids buy into wayne lies and practically see him as a deity or something. I'm one of the people who reallly can't stand all this fakeness bein that I spent like eight years in east africa and then come here to see people want to act lime they've been through some shit they never have. My chances at a job and college are often the main reasons I don't split some of these dam foolish kids.

  10. no offense bro but i dont really like music based on what they do in the "streets". around here? you said you go to a suburban school. where do you even live? even though its kind of irrelevant, i wasn't trying to get a lesson on why you think hes fake or anything, just seeing if anyone here likes his shit. i dont judge people on what music they listen to dont think people should its hype as shit.whats that last sentence even mean bra
  11. Lil' Wayne? Aww, fuck no. Stick to the classics.

    Bob Marley.
    Jimi Hendrix.
    Bob Dylan.
    Iron Butterfly.
  12. kush
    I can take your girl
  13. Try some Pink Floyd when way baked.

    "We Don't Need No Education"

    All are gold, along with all of Kid Cudi's newest CD.

  14. I'm not saying music needs to be based on anything illegal but if it is it better not be some liks like lil waynes music. That's my issue with him. I live between Miami and fort lauderdale in Florida and got relocated to this school after hurricanes and supposedly overcrowded schools.

    As long as music is genuine it's cool with me. I don't care if a dude talks about his damn barbie dolls if it's not just for attention. I won't be listening to it though.

    I was talking about how he's contributing to everyone out here acting like a wannabe gangster and it has em acting real stupid. I'm talkin lil five foot freshman trying to throw elbows in the bathroom cuz I supposedly took his urinal and a kid who claims to be a drug dealer claiming he would stab me because he said I licked my lips at him. They never do anything about it though. I've only been in one real short fight in hs cuz I'm not trying to risk my future over nothing.
  15. LOL. :smoking:

  16. floyds always nice especailly right after you rip and kid cudi has some sick shit out
    up up and away
    pursuit of happiness video he looks blazed as shit ahha
  17. Weezy's a lyrical genious. No doubts about it. Granted, the vast majoirty of his lyrics are about the same things, still genious. The music flows perfectly, and the beats are just siiiiick

  18. i feel that i know alot of those kids. i just keep smoking keep a crew close tht arnt fake. for the kids u talkin about, i just ignore tht shit. if they wanna do something over some stupid shit fine by me ill welcome it. idk if hes contributing to all that though. your always gonna have kids like that. i listen to alot of his shit most that all the kids dont know about and its some nice shit, lyrically and the beats are always fresh. no ceilings is a legit fuckin mixtape. ill always like lil waynes shit because ahha, well i guess it just sounds good to me. some people like greatful dead others dont some people like biggie or pac it dosnt matter as long as you blazed nd like what youre hearing dont let others judge it
  19. #19 King Willie, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    [ame=]YouTube - lil wayne freestyle EPIC FAIL[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - BREAKING NEWS! (Followup to- "lil wayne freestyle-EPIC FAIL")[/ame]

    Oh God,you're insane if you actually think that.

  20. Genius is a termfor people like killer mike and nas

    The chevy on the inside it's so wide
    It's like my interior practice apart-hide

    From gonna go to Ghana by killa

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