likes vs. Rep?

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by dildodaggins, Feb 4, 2011.

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  1. didnt know where else to put this... How come people are hesitant to throw down some rep now that you can like posts? Come on guys hah :D
  2. i try to like and rep. but i think the likes should be gotten rid of because they probably do discourage giving rep :smoke:

  3. exactly, likes dont help your GC career hah:smoke:
    oh jeez i love wake n bakes...
  4. I noticed this too, but was mocked for noticing. :rolleyes:
    I'm still using rep whether the like function is there or not. I think the like comes in handy when I try to rep someone and it tells me I can't because I have to spread the rep around. :D
  5. Hah, i love how i throw this thread down and get hella rep... REP FOR EVERYONE! :smoke::smoke:
  6. I use the rep system. I havent "liked" a post yet. I do not like that option.
  7. Yeah I still use rep as I would regularly, but for posts that I like but I wouldn't have given rep to in the past, I like.

    So no change in repping here, just a bit of liking. :smoke:
  8. I never get rep :(
  9. Maybe because you have 60 posts?

    And rep is a bit nicer imo because you can leave a note.

    To me "liking" something is more of an "I agree" kinda thing. I'd "like" a post before I'd just post the same thing. Example: If someone's like WOW nice bud!! I'll probably just like their post from now on instead of also posting wow nice bud.

    To me I'd rep someone if it's like something particularly good or they said something particularly funny etc. That way I can leave a personal note with the rep and say what I like so much
  10. Because they're two different things. It's one thing to like a post and agree with it, it's another to respect it and give someone reputation.
  11. Hey Blunt! I haven't seen you around in a while. I was beginning to wonder about you. :wave:

    On topic: I agree wholeheartedly with that. I just hope that everyone else comes to look at it that way too. Since I found out that GC's like button is in no way affiliated with FB, I've come to like the "like" button a lot. I can't even play FB's games. My computer does not like FaceBook. :smoke:
  12. i was thinking the same thing , someone had to make a thread out of it , i prefer rep than likes + rep :D
  13. I don't like, if i like a post i will explain why i do if i like a poster i will raise his rep :)
  14. I still rep :confused_2: but yeah, looks like a lot of people forgot about it :/ fail.
  15. pretty sure people are still reppin.... that's what i've been noticing:hello:

    big difference between liking and giving rep, since rep is in limited supply it has more value so i'm alot more hesitant on the rep, i'll like a post just for shits and giggles
  16. OK...we get the point. People are still repping...checked the logs and they are still repping. :) Rep, like...whatever. Just concentrate on making quality posts and that karma will come around to you. :D
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