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Likely a dumb question.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Xx R37h1nk, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. alright, the eighth a day times have long since faded for me, and i hadn't smoked in over a year.

    i was hanging with some old friends, and thought what the hell, so me and my dude split a fatty amongst eachother. To my embarrassment, i was fucking trashed.

    As fate would have it, about 20 minutes afterwards, i get a call from a job i had given up on, and am offered a really good position.

    My question is, being as my system was completely clean before hand, how long will this one joint show up on a piss test? any tips on lessening that time?

  2. There is no way to really lessen the time other than working out because that speeds up your metabolism and thc is stored in your fat cells. You can cover it up by drinking lots of water the day of the test, so when you piss it's just straight water. I'd also drink vitamin b in order to keep your pee looking yellow even though it's straight water.
  3. Do not flood your system with water the day of the test. These days diluted UAs are considered dirty and you will most likely not get the job. Exercise, drink regular amounts of water, and hit the sauna for an hour or so. You should be fine.
  4. KK.

    i knew that much, just ive been outta the pot world for a while, and i nkow yall are some creative people, so i never know if something knew has been devised.

    Anyone know how long it will stay to begin with??

  5. Useful. Thanks.:D

  6. how tall are you and what do you weigh??
  7. about 5'11

    electric scales ftw
  8. most likely it will probably be out of your system in a few days

  9. Not to be rude, but how sure are you??

    i like specifics :)
  10. Well I'm 100% sure he's right. You're skinny guy so it shouldn't be a problem.

  11. Thanks!

    i like this place. haha
  12. If you haven't hit bud in a year, i'm almost a hundred percent sure it will clean itself out naturally within a few days (a week tops depending on your body mass). Again by the time your drug test should roll through, i am almost a hundred percent sure that you will be clean. If youre still worried, theres a guide somewhere here at grass city that tells you how to avoid failing drug tests.

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