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Likelihood of testing positive?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tarheeltoker13, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Ok, what is the likelihood of me testing positive with this in mind:

    1. I smoked on 1/22, getting tested on 2/1 (10 days).
    2. I shared a blunt of headies with 2 other people.
    3. The last time I smoked before then was 1/1 (a joint of shwag with 1 other person).
    4. I am skinny and have a high metabolism.

    If there's any other helpful info I can give, lemme know.

    And what things can I do to increase my chances of testing negative?
  2. I've never been tested, nor do i have any information about being tested and if you are or are not going to test positive. The only information I have is to tell you to work out alot just to make sure.
    7 days of running for 30 minutes... it will sweat all the toxins out. You'll be fine if you do this without a doubt.
  3. i think ur gonna come out postive. U can do the bottle between the legs trick. Or balloon. Whichever.
  4. Honestly I think you'll be fine as long as you make sure to drink a good amount a liquids everyday until you test but everyone is different so no one can guarantee anything.

  5. I don't have quite 7 days, and I heard/read that exercising 3 days before testing can cause a spike in THC levels.

    Also have heard conflicting sources concerning the drinking lots of liquids method...

    I read on both Wikipedia (ha ha) and NORML that infrequent users typically are clear in 3-5 days. I was thinking since I have 10 and a good metabolism that I should be fine?
  6. Ten days is not enough.
    Three weeks sounds about right to me.
    I could be wrong. I suggest using the search function and looking up detox methods.
  7. Your good dude. im skinny, have a high metabolism and i smoked a blunt with a friend and smoked a bowl the next day after that. a week later i had to take a test and i passed. drink about a bottle of water before your test. dont drink too much or it will be too diluted for them to test and they will think your tryin to get around it.

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