like who puts the songs up on the internet?

Discussion in 'General' started by dezz, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. How do they obtained a "leaked song" or like porn that they made?
  2. Artists will sometimes leak their own music if that answers your question?

    The wording of your question confused me
  3. When you mean leaked as in like not supposed to be released just yet then there are a lot of ways, all of which are illegal, to obtain them and spread them across the internet. However, people usually just buy the CDs and upload a copy of the CD on the internet to share with everyone.
  4. If you grab hold of the real thing you can upload it on the internet for others to "pirate" for free. You can do this with any video, music, drawing etc.
    Hope this helps, I don't entirely understand you're question bro.
  5. Its purposely leaked so there will be extra hype on the album or single causing more people to want to buy or listen to it
  6. What's the upload website
  7. Yes I like it. But I like free shit. I can see how music artists wouldn't like it though!

    The way they put it on the internet has already been said.

    Did I answer the questions right? :smoke:

  8. lol no one knows what the question is really
  9. What's the website to upload a pic so they can show it in the media.
  10. Any social networking site; FaceBook, Twitter, formerly MySpace, etc... All of these new FaceBook mini-Reddit pages that share tons of pictures.
  11. it depends really. i know itunes fucks up sometimes and will release shit on the original date if it has been pushed back.

    other times it's someone the artist knows.

    or alot of times websites will send out pre-orders a few days early to make sure they arrive in time. then someone near their location will receive it a couple days early and upload it.

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