"Like", the new way to be a smartass

Discussion in 'General' started by AYOOOOOO, Jan 27, 2011.

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  1. Instead of "cool story bro"

    We now have the "like" feature.
  2. #3 Free The BIRDS, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    its better then that cool story bro shit.

    unless the person likes EVERY comment on the page!

    they should make it so if someone is liking every commenting, their screen blows up


  3. I aint feelin this whole like thing....
  4. I lulled

  5. OldDaffy dislikes this.
  6. I dont see even the slightest relation between someone being a dick and posting cool story bro, compared to pressing a button that says you liked the post.

    No idea why people are acting like this is gonna be the downfall of GC.
  7. I'm surprised it's not a copy right infringement on Facebooks part.
  8. No one said anything about a downfall, but is that what the streets are sayin'?

    I just think this will get abused soo bad. I don't dislike it, I just think it may create problems.
  9. I think it's kinda lame, why they gotta make this shit more like Facebook, so I can let everyone know I like a post? Who the fuck cares if I like a post? We already got the rep system...
  10. Hehe, I like the like button

    this is technological advancement at its finest

    Likes Given

    This thread is now CAPSLOCK's intervention.
  13. I feel I may be addicted to clicking it now.
  14. ... i like the like system....

    this way you can basically tell someone you agree or whatever with out having to post the same thing. Or if its something that doesnt really deserve rep but you just want to agree with it...

    Idk... Ive actually been wanting something like this. Ive seen other forums with "Thanks" buttons which is basically a like button.
  15. I wish we also had a dislike button. It would set some balance to this feature.
  16. Damn, and everyone was bitching a devoke? He only had half what capslock has
  17. I dunno, I've noticed devoke more than capslock.
  18. Fuck.

    I am never going to press the 'like' button on here.

    Sorry GC.
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