Last night me and this girl were chilling, we are just friends not going out together or anything.. So were in the car and smoke a blunt and get high as fuck, we go to the movies but nothing it playing so shes like we can do whatever, and shes the one driving.. So im like lets go to my friends party cuz they were smoking and playing beer pong.. we get there and she gets on her fone with her friend and tells me shes going to be right back.. and her friend picks her up and then she calls me shes coming back in a minute, an hour goes by.. im trying to go home... and she trys to apologize saying that she wasnt thinking right and shit.. shud i be mad or what.. im furious about this..
That's what women do. I can't explain but they do shit like that all the time. I wouldn't be mad though. I know you were trying to get home but remember you were in her car and technically she didn't have to give you a ride home. You could of just left yourself. Don't be mad, your going to be an angry man your whole life if you get pissed at little shit like that.
She said she was chillin with me that night, i take that as ur going to BE with me, not just be my ride home.. u see where im comin from?
I see exactly where your coming from. I've had young girls do that to me when I was in highschool. They tell you one thing and do another. 10 years ago I would be pissed but I've come to realize woman do stupid shit like that all the time. It's not worth getting angry over though. You'd be wasting alot of energy on stupid bullshit.
Yeah man.. That was rude as hell, but im not smoking with her no more.. like idk man.. im confused lmao
Where is this even coming from? You guys know that women are people too, right? Besides, isn't there a more obvious explanation right in the OP's story? See, it's right here: How many times have you seen stoned people do this, male or female? There are dozens of threads on this forum alone of people trying to get food while stoned and ending up on a crazy adventure that took forever. In most of those stories they were also trying to get food for other people, and it almost never actually happens.
Can't be too mad, shit like that happens when you go to parties. You just gotta tell the *****s you rollin with that if you're leaving with me (I usually drive) to be ready by certain time etc.
Wasn't saying that woman weren't people to, it goes both ways. There are things that men do that women will never understand why they do it. Nothing specific, just random shit. Same thing goes for women. There are just some things that 90% of women do that men will never understand why. ^No kidding.
She said she was leaving for a sec, she didnt say she was leaving the party, she called me telling me she left the party which kinda got me mad..
I would be pissed. I would not kick it with her again. IMO she ditched u man. I would NEVER do that to one of my friends. If u did that to her what would she do???
That dumb bitch, I can't believe she ditched you, that's BULL and even when I'm fucked up I still don't ditch my friends that's ridiculous. Hell I'd be furious
ditched or not, you should make with what life gives you, not spend the time on this planet stressing over it. I'd just not hit her up, but if she hits you up to match or what ever, why not?
What if her friend really needed something? Did she come back and give you a ride home? You act like guys never fuck us over.
If a guy drove u to a party, then left and said he would be right back and DIDNT come back. What would u say to him?
I would say, "Why did you leave?" If he had a good reason, I'd say, "Are you still going to pick me up?" If he said no, I'd say, "Well then you just blew a good friendship." Unless it was like because he had to take his friend to the hospital or some shit. And then call someone else to get me. I wouldn't jump to conclusions until i knew the reason why he had to leave.