Well we know the apple never falls far from the tree and all that but this is an interesting one. It seems young Donald Jnr went looking for a bit of dirt on Hillary but sadly Lil D is suffering from a bout of amnesia and is only able to remember what actually happened when the newspapers help him out so it may take a while for us to hear the whole story. I can only imagine how Trump is feeling now. His own son bringing this to his door will be a cruel blow for the honest as the day is long Donald Trump. He will be outraged that young Junior would act in such a manner and bring such shame upon The Trump's. He'll be in his big chair in the Shite House now glaring out the window. Ivana will be on her knees, head in his lap sobbing at the shame that has been brought upon the family. Donald in his deep, deep, deep sadness will exclaim "Oh Ivanka why didn't I call him Vanka and you Donatello!" Donald Trump Jr was told of Russian efforts to help campaign – report
yeah more fake news. NYT isn't helping their cause either. This is all total bullshit. Its sad really, like a death rattle or something lol.
I will reserve judgment until comeys best friend and his team of Clinton donors complete their investigation.
so whats the outrage about then? because at that point in time the whole "russia story" didn't even exist....And if this is literally the whole reason, because this lady from russia was offering supposed info on hillary? I just don't get it...why would this be a big deal at all? oh wait...its not. If I was running a campaign I would certainly at least allow someone to bend my ear for lets say about 20 mins if they said they had info against my opponent. Who wouldn't? Obviously by the amount of negative coverage around trump during the campaign hillary certainly listened to anyone and everyone who offered info. considering how the real story of the clintons shaking down foreign governments for "contributions" to their foundation is an absolutely real thing, its not to far of a stretch to think that a foreign government like, maybe russia, could have info thats damaging. If this is the center of this entire shitstorm that msm is creating, its fucking sad. Seriously, if this whole thing for the past 8 months has been based on a meeting that lasted 20 minutes, that was set up and paid for by the same people who brought you the fake "trump dossier", thats pretty fucking sad. And also damning, showing that there was an actual concerted effort by many, many, many people to keep trump from winning. Almost like rigging an election or something....hmmm...
Pretty ad idea for him to take that meeting. Especially with all the Russia talk going on at that time. They made it clear in the email that it was a Russian government attorney.. He should have never taken the meeting. However, if there was info out there of Clinton and illegal dealings with the Russian government, then where would you go for such info if not the Russians? I donno.. It looks awfully bad imo.
Almost as bad as slick Willy meeting with Loretta Lynch in a private jet just before the Hillary emails press release cause they are just good friends and wanted to chat about grand kids. Pieces of corrupt shit, all of them.
no...thats the thing, this was last june. There was no russia talk going on at all at that point in time. not even close to the same thing dude...not even in the same stratosphere. But that is exactly what the msm wants you to think. Its kinda strange that these leaks happen when another story that could potentially be pro trump comes out. Yesterday was the report that the much sought after "comey memos" do actually contain classified info, and that he did indeed apparently break a few laws at the very least in releasing them to the press to "spur the appointment of a special prosecutor" in his own words. seriously, every single time something that could be construed pro trump happens, this same shit happens. Are people really not catching on yet?
so is that admittance that this entire collusion bullshit is seriously based on this 20 minute meeting that was set up by a PR firm?
Not sure, but what is also interesting is that this Russian lawyer has been linked to the group the DNC hired to find dirt on Trump. So this may have been an attempt to get Trump to "collude" further, but when Jr walked out all they could do was leak the details of the emails to the press, who have been sitting on it for a year. And then they decide to publish it when the story about Comey's classified memos comes out... Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to investigation group behind salacious Steele Dossier
yes I read that as well it was the same people who were responsible for commissioning the "trump Dossier" that was considered gospel by some until it was completely debunked.
No fake news. Donald Junior is according to Trump- "My son is a high-quality person and I applaud his transparency."
The roars of "fake news" say it all. Some of Trump's supporters are gone all evangelical. Somuch sleaze and underhand deals. The Trumps are up to their necks in it. Poor Jnr is like a rabbit in the headlights now.
I get you're trying to push a message dude...hard. Half of GC gets it now. It's just, far less of it cares half as much as you do. As someone said in an earlier post. You didn't vote in the US elections. Why do you constantly act like you lost something?