Does the amount of wattage you have on your plants effect how big the buds are able to get? And I wanted to grow in soil and was wondering what the pros/cons were versus growing it hydroponically?
yes the watts do affect how big the buds get.... what kinda lights are you using? i think soil works great i reccomend fox farms. but im not to exerienced in hydro growing sorry..... but if your growing with cfls like i always do you will need a min of 100w for the plant to grow at all but i use about 200-250w each plant..... and rember dont look at the equivalent wattage look at the real wattage output.. ex. a 100w cfl is really a 26w cfl....... a 300w cfl is really only a 65w cfl....... well good luck growing
Yes siiiiir.. the light matters.. just like the dude above me wrote.. Depending on how much money you have, space, and time.. Soil: (Ive used) is cheaper, takes a little longer, and u can leave it for a couple days no problem. done right you can get great results. Hydro(My friend Uses) cost more,more room for error, not begginer friendly. higher maintenance, quicker grow, total control, but very easy once you get the hang of it.. and the quality can be waay better than soil, done right of course.. Currently im using something thats in the middle.. i think its called aeroponics or someshit, its a soil-less soil thats mostly coco coir, perlite and organic compost.. its like hydro and needs to be watered everyday, theres also one that needs 4-7 waterings a day.. works pretty well.. its my first time using it and so far its doing way better than my soil mix (which was Ocean Forest, and Light warrior 50/50).. i would recommend it best bang for your buck.. theres alot more to it.. but those are the highlights i think that matter.. Hope it helped G. good luck
Yes on more lights. I think everybody will say the same thing, if they don't then they shouldn't be giving advice. Definitely use soil for your first grow! If you want to do hydro, do it after you learn the basics of how the plant will grow and what it's need are. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and Fox Farm line of nutes and I generally don't have many problems. You can read about this for years, but as soon as you start you'll have a ton of questions that you don't know the answers to. Just do it! If you have any ?'s then ask. We here at GC are a great community and love nothing more than to help out other growers, no matter how dumb the question!