Alright guys i have a slight problem here. I had a 600 watt MH light set up on a strict schedule of 18/6 until my timer shit the bed, i had to use a shitty timer and at this time i switch my 600 watt MH to a 125 florescent light because the 600 W wouldnt work with the timer. So i had that set up for 2 days while i found a new, awsome timer. Now my sister was supposed to make sure that the lights turned off at exactly 12:00 pm and of course the inconsiderate bitch that she is, doesnt give a fuck about anything, doesnt even check, so when i get hhome from work the lights are STILL on, and have been for exactly 24 hours. My question is there any chance of saving my plants? because the lighting has changed so much is there ay chnce i can just resume the scheuale with 18/6 back on the orignal time it was set for before i got fucked over?? The time is was set was 12:00pm - 6:00 pm OFF and 6:00pm to 1200 PM ON it was like this ever since they were seedlings and they are about 4 weeks old now, Thanks guys
First of all..... sorry your timer went out man. i would just go back to your regular veg schedule. 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. that mimics the spring/summer season. once your ready to switch to bloom hit with 12/12. it sounded like you said you gave it 6 hours of light and 18 of darkness.........? looks like youve had your light cycles mixed up.... its okay if your lights stayed on during your veg. IF your were in veg and you got 24 hours of DARKNESS, that would be worse! (that would give your plant too much darkness and try to kick it into bloom) switch it back to ur 18/6 and give your plants some SuperThrive (that helps with stress) so your plants dont herm on you or anything. hoped i help man. good luck
Yeah it was a shitty timer though too, and the backk up i had was even worse!! No i had them on 18 of light and 6 dark haha im not that much of a noob But alright i was planning on leaving them on all night tonight until tomorrow at 12, were they would be usually tuned off for six hours, good plan? or should i just turn them off now for 6 hours?? thanks for the help guys
just go back to your regular schedule. 12:00pm - 6:00 pm OFF and 6:00pm to 1200 PM ON. you should be fine
Alright thanks man, i appreciate it. i am going to switch back to the Metal halide 600W until tomorrow at 12:00 and than i will continue my lighting scheduele from there. Does anyone have a good timer that they can reccommend ??
I found a "heavy-duty" digital timer at lowes for 14 bucks. It can handle up to like 1600w or something like that.