Lighting Problems

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Jrubin90, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hey all, I was using an AG to grow, they outgrew that, so I popped the lamp hood off and put them under 2 50W 2700K flourescent bulbs. I have two plants and neither has showed any sign of sex after 3 or so weeks of flowering. Am I going to have to switch to HPS lighting and if so, will this system work:
    Sun System HPS 150 Grow Light Fixture 150 Watt HPS - COMES WITH BULB

    Mind you my grow space is only like 2x1 and I only have 2 plants, 3 would be the max I put under there at one time. So whatcha think?
  2. Just make sure you have enough room to space between the tops of the plants and the lights. If they're still stretching and its cutting it close be weary because it could end up burning your colas and ruining your crop. But HPS are awesome if you have the space and the heat isn't an issue as well.

    EDIT: Not sure what an AG light is but sometimes the sex takes a while. 2 Plants needs at least 150W based on the 100+[50*(n-1)] rule. Get another fluorescent and maybe turn to HPS after this grow unless you have the cash and you wanna just do it.
  3. Make sure that your grow space is lightproof. I had that happen to me before, put them on 12/12 light and 3 weeks went by and no sex. Then I realised I had a light leak. Patched the leak and they went into flower a week or 2 later.

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