Hey all, Was thinking about converting from a tall cabinet grow into a small closet and changing from my current 12 CFL (2 plants, 6 per) to 1 HPS? or MPS? light for bloom, and maybe still keep a CFL setup for vegging (unless, 1 bulb can do both that is). Anyways, I was wondering what would changing over to this type of setup entail, in terms of costs both for startup (estimated) and wattage per month based on what I am using now. don't know how much going to that type of bulb/equipment would be, and if I would need a new timer or now (right now, it's power bar to a $20 off the shelf thing from walmart). Also, how would I calculate the power difference? I know CFL is cheap for power use, but would running 1 HPS/MPS be that much different than 12 CFL bulbs? Also, for venting, how much heat do they give off? I'm thinking I would then have to vent outside of the closet either in room or up into the roof somehow. What would work best without arrousing attention? Thanks in advance.
[quote name='"DailyToker1985"']Hey all, Was thinking about converting from a tall cabinet grow into a small closet and changing from my current 12 CFL (2 plants, 6 per) to 1 HPS? or MPS? light for bloom, and maybe still keep a CFL setup for vegging (unless, 1 bulb can do both that is). Anyways, I was wondering what would changing over to this type of setup entail, in terms of costs both for startup (estimated) and wattage per month based on what I am using now. don't know how much going to that type of bulb/equipment would be, and if I would need a new timer or now (right now, it's power bar to a $20 off the shelf thing from walmart). Also, how would I calculate the power difference? I know CFL is cheap for power use, but would running 1 HPS/MPS be that much different than 12 CFL bulbs? Also, for venting, how much heat do they give off? I'm thinking I would then have to vent outside of the closet either in room or up into the roof somehow. What would work best without arrousing attention? Thanks in advance.[/quote] All depends on wattage of light you could grow 2 plants under a 250 hps which won't put out too much heat but you still have to worry about intake/ exhaust so more fans. Probably around about 200 for decent setup 200-300 for 400 hps for 3-6 plants
ok, so a 250w will work for two, wasn't sure. How can I tell how much power this will draw, and would it be good for veg and bloom, or only one? Thanks!
Well it should draw about the wattage it states. You can change the bulb out. MH for grow HPS for bloom.
iPower 250w 400w 600w 1000w watt HPS MH Grow Light System Kit Dimm Green House | eBay There is some very cheap lights for you Power As for power the equation for how much it costs is "wattage x hours used ÷ 1000 x price per kWh = cost of electricity" so if you bought a 600W bulb, ran it 16/8, and say a kWh cost you .15$ 600W*(16*31)/1000*.15=44.64$<----price per month If you cant find out the price for power here's a chart of the average cost in 2007 in cents. Google Image Result for http://www.energybandgap.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/electricity-by-state.jpg heat It will cause a tremendous ammount of heat, SO YOU WILL NEED A VENTILATION SYSTEM WITH CARBON FILTERS!!!! If you choose not to get the filters, once you start flowering everyone in the house and in 50 meter radius of your house WILL KNOW YOUR GROWING!!! Ventalation You can have the vent exiting anywhere, but if the filter does not remove all the smell try the backyard, attic etc. If the smell gets real bad send it down into the sewer, I know it sounds gross but it works. Cost Startup costs could range from 300 (If you buy used and are frugal etc) to 1000(if it's a large setup and you care for your plants with nutreints best equipment etc) along with power wich will cost about 150$ a grow. My Advice turn your entire closet into a grow area (grow boxes are over rated, only for teens trying to hide it from there parents or roomates in my expereince) paint the walls white ,make it airtight (for the most part) and take a look at the grow forums all the questions you asked are in there, including assloads more. But serious look at the forums there is some great stuff in there, I didn't realize at first but they have tips that even the most expereinced growers don't know about. happy growing
What he said ^^ Make it as air tight as possible and do the whole closet, that way you can utilize that nice door it prob has. and dont skimp on the carbon filter or do a DIY, get a good one cause you get what you pay for. when I think about it, dont skimp on anything, cause it will break, leak,stink,stain,or,combust etc.....
Wow, thanks for all of that information. That helps me out a lot. I love the set on eBay, but after looking at the dimensions of the reflector and the dimensions I have to work with, I don't have the depth for that set. Looks like a standard size, so i'm going to guess my area might be too small for this idea, I might just have to add more CFL's or something and re-arrange the grow space. The power calculations too, thanks, that was awesome.
you will flip when you see the difference between CFLs and HID lighting. You get much better yields and denser buds, plus the HIDs penetrate through the foliage so the buds at the bottom of the plant are nice and firm. Just watch out for the heat, I think a 250 is doable for your set up and will pay for it self 3 fold after your first grow.. good luck and have fun with your new hobby......
This is a handy calculator for cost price. Find out your kw/hour. You can get a general number from google it varies by region and even city. Costs Calculator Also be sure to factor in hidden wattage use...a 4 inch inline fan uses about 90 watts, a small fan in the grow area uses X amount of wattage etc. A good device for that is a killawatt. You would be shocked how much juice is used in things that are "asleep". My entertainment system was pulling 150 watts powered off! Mainly from the DVR...DVRs stay on 24/7 for recording and programing reasons. Another thing about power as well 99% of consumers have no idea how much power the things they use use. Xbox can push 400, TV 200, oven up to 4000 watts depending on model, hot water heater is like 30% of yoru bill. If you have a gaming computer with a large LCD and speakers easily 1500-2000 watts. Usually whatever you add to grow is chump change. The best way to nullify it is to become a energy pincher. For myself I unplug everything that I do not use, have my hot water heater set to 125 degrees, leave the ac at 78 etc. Oh and changed all my lights to CFL. Then I never have more then one light on in the house..whatever room I am at is where the light is on. I cut my power bill in about half from just some simple steps. You dont want to know how I save water
Hey All, Thanks for all the info. Finally got everything all together and the lights are on their way! CAn't wait. One other question, just out of power concern. Would it be ok to plug the 250W ballast into a surge protector, also feeding my inline fan, or should I dedicate another plug for it on it's own? Thanks again!
Yup. Everything electrical just about is one big circle. You really cant buy a surge protector that does not accommodate or pulling the maximum wattage that a outlet will provide. The government controls all the standards on that. I have my 800w LED, 110 watt inline fan, and probably a 15-20 watt fan inside the tent all on one protector.
Wicked, i'm glad I don't have to that then. I'm assuming I keep an HPS/MH light more than 2 inches above the plant with this setup? How typically high up should I put this when I get it?