I hear not to put 1 week old plants under my 400w HPS. I'm looking for an alternative that'll keep me under 60 dollars. My room is between 70-80 degrees all the time. I wonder if it is giving me humidity trouble...the HPS, because I cannot get it above 30%. I am getting a great humidifier tomorrow. They all seem to be doing well, the ones in organic mix growing at a much slower pace than the two bag seeds i threw into M.G. as an experiment. 400w MH? How much would it cost to hook up enough CLF's, and how long could I use them? I would need sockets, and bulbs. I have about 7 plants at the moment, but I don't expect to bring them all to fruitation. Please view my journal for an idea of where I am, but I plan on getting a tent setup very soon. I will put off getting the tent (150 bucks every two weeks is my grow room budget, so lets assume worse case scenario I can spend that much on lighting). Right now I'm using a 400w HPS setup. I need a humidifier at the least if I don't get a tent, and some mylar. I want to try and cut off half of the closet, it's very big.... http://forum.grasscity.com/indoor-grow-journals/535437-my-first-grow-lemon-haze-bag-seeds.html
You can put babies under MH or HPS, you just need to keep the light backed way off. You could get a MH conversion bulb to run off your HPS ballast, or you could get some 6500k CFLs. If you go CFLs that will be good while seedlings but you'll need more and more of them the longer you veg.
I am sitting around 13 inches away right now. Doesn't seem to be too hot or burning. I'm going to look into a conversion ML.