Lighting advice

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by monsterhill, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. For veg growth can i use my 125w light that i use for flowering?
    ro do i need to stick with my growlux until then?.

    It just seems to take forever and a day to grow under the 40w growlux.
  2. idk what 125 watt ligh your using or talking about.... but yah, its probaly safe to use over your growlux, that puny little 40 watt thing...

    so yah, go with the 125 watt light, even if its your flowering.
  3. The more light the better. It is definitely OK to mix spectrum for both stages.

    Good luck.
  4. Can you effectively use both?
  5. I cant really use both because of space. I guess one could go on the floor and the other from the top.

    I got a 125 evirolite which is a masive lamp. I only grow a couple of plants for personal use so i just hand the light up.

    I am looking forward to when its harvest time. I have two different breeds of indica both early finishing.

    The shiva i have finishes in 55 days so they say and it grows well. So i am looking forward to trying the shiva.
  6. Absolutely, a mixed spectrum resembles sunlight

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