
Discussion in 'General' started by ImmortalGropher, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Hurt. I have such wussy soft man hands -cries-

    Looks like it's time for me to get a lighter that I don't have to hold the trigger down lol.

    Bics ftl :p.
  2. take the safety off of it dude
  3. ^This.

    I've never met a stoner that didn't
  4. #4 ImmortalGropher, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    There's a safety? o_O teach me?

    edit: nvdm, youtubed. It's a little longer but not by much.
  5. ok man here it goes.

    on the metal part that you roll to light the lighter, there is a thin metal piece in the middle.
    stick a knife under the thing metal piece and pop that bitch off.

  6. You has reps sir. Makes it a ton easier to light too. jeez
  7. also known as "lighter circumcision"
  8. hell yea man. When I first started smoking lighters used to kill my fingers
  9. I still think an adjustable flame or butane wouldn't be a bad option for me...found an angled butane for like 9 bucks.
  10. i always had a bad habbit of losing all my bic lighters, so i decided to buy a zippo, the only down side is that i hate using it for bongs.

  11. sick flick.

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