Lighter vs. Match

Discussion in 'General' started by HxCBlazer, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Yesterday I couldn't find a lighter. All I had was a few boxes of matches. I was trying to smoke out of a bowl but the match didnt have enough power. I also tried to hit a Grav when I had one hand free I tried to light a match. In doing so I dropped my weed and my matches in the water. I was so pissed. What the fuck is wrong with matches?

    Toke On...:smoking:
  2. I've smoked bowls just fine with matches...sounds like you might just be a little slow

  3. lighting bowls with matches is a bitch :mad:

    no joke one of my least favorite things to do, especially if you have to be stealthy.
  4. Never had a problem with matches...I use em whenever I don't have a lighter.
  5. matches are cool-no fumes, as long as you wait for the initial sulphur smoke burn away before you inhale. :smoking:
  6. what evers closest

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