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Lighter in the Wind?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Greensy949, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Who doesn't love toking up on the mountain right? nothing like bombing a huge ass hill with twin tips and stoned out of your gourd. but what if the lighter doesn't work in the first place!

    1. It's always windy on the matter what. so the flame blows out
    2. Its a higher elevation which means less oxygen. fire needs oxygen. very scientific:smoking:
    3. snow makers are practically misting your bowl and lighter with snow.

  2. Edibles. Or vape.

    sucks though man.
  3. light up your blunt inside then go out to smoke, but reading this it seems more of a bowl/bong issue. get a butane lighter /thread
  4. Figure out which direction the wind is blowing and cover the light with your hand shaped like a C and put ur face above ur hand to block snow or whatever
  5. smoke with a friend and have him shield you. wait until the wind dies down. crouch down with your back to the wind and use your body as a cover.
  6. get one of those little mini blow torch lighters, they are fairly cheap (under 8 bucks) and easy to find, they are amazing, you can be in the eye of a storm and these things will give you a steady flow of fire as long as your pushing the button! Once your oput of gas you can buy more as well, rather than buying a new one but they last a while
  7. zippo, those things light anywhere,
    and how do you vape on top of a mountain if there's no plug?
    just sayin... lol
  8. most torch butane lighters should work. do a google search for torch lighters or windproof lighters should be able to find something.
  9. i pull my jacket up over my head and zip it up, but u gotta be quick or u end up hot boxing ur coat and come dangerously close to lighting urself on fire.
  10. #10 LCM, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    Solar tokes, torch lighter, bee line, crouch and light it inside your jacket or light the joint/blunt inside and then go outside.

    A trick that usually works in cold/windy places is to hold your lighter upside down, press down on the butane release and use your other finger to spark it. It's kind of a bitch to do if you have big hands/fingers. I'm skeptical on how well this would work on a mountain though
  11. Uhhh wait.. I thought the butane lighter's heat is so strong it "ruins" the weed so to speak... no?

  12. NOOOOO don't use a zippo, too much fuel
  13. Yes but keep in mind BIC lighters use butane. A minor amount of THC is lost in the extreme heat of the bowl, you just have to make sure to not torch the fuck outta the bowl. Give it a little flame and let the rest of the bud catch by itself--nurture that shit.

  14. only if you hold it too long, it takes some practice if you never used one. they heat up extremely fast and are extremely hot so it will burn the weed if you're not careful
  15. he doesnt really have a choice,
    a bic wont work at the top of the mountain and fuel is cheap anyways,
    probably cheaper than replacing all bics he'd waste,
    think of all the fuel you'd waste trying to light a bic up there,
    but if theres no wind I totally agree to go with bics,
    or maybe try solar hits with a magnifying glass when its sunny?
    then wind is not a factor

  16. he has a choice (assuming it's a he). never use a zippo if you are worried about inhaling excess fuel and shitty tasting weed, if not go ahead.
  17. desperate times desperate measures,
    Solar hits I think are the best for this situation,
    no wasting fuel,
    no dealing with the wind,
    just pure smoke
  18. If its a joint or a blunt get a torch lighter. /thread
    If its a bowl then, eh no idea.
  19. i always keep my lighter in a pocket that stays dry then i go back in the trees to smoke cause they the block the wind. my buddy also always bring a torch lighter that we use when we smoke on the lift.
  20. i use a zippo pipe lighter like this one that i bought for cigs/bowls in the wind. i use it to light cigs all day so i'm not too worried about inhaling the fuel.

    but seriously, it tastes like shit especially if you use cheap lighter fluid, but i pack my bowls so i only need to light them once and they cherry pretty good. i try my bic about a million times before using the zippo.

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