
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by citys4, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. is this a god light
    don't really have much money
  2. not really.... try and come up with like 120-150, and you can get a 400w hps or mh shipped, go with the hps for flowering tho if you can, otherwise if your set-up for lights is only like 50-60, just get some cfl's and grow 1-2 plants...

    get like 100w of cfl (not what they're rated, auctual watts of light)

    and you can probaly get away with 2 small plants

  3. I will second this. I purchased it and the first one shipped broken. I returned it and the second one worked for 1 minute then stopped. I took it apart and there are no burn marks on the board or anything. The company didn't even reply to my e-mail about it asking about the warranty.

    I will try and fix it some day, but not worth it at the moment.

    Go with HPS or MH. If money is tight, go with some CFL's.

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