Light transition to flowering... How??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by coonjas, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. High All!! I am sorry if this topic has been asked many times before, but honestly, search function in this forum is not the best.

    I am on transition to flowering. I have prepared the dark room and 400W HPS light. Currently I am vegging on 250W MH 18/6.
    What step do I need to make to ensure least stress adjustment to the plant?? I heard that some people give 24hr total darkness before flipping to 12/12. Any suggestion??

    Thanks in advance!! Stay green!!
  2. There is no need to transition gradually, you can just go straight to 12/12. Some do give an extended dark at the start, in the belief that it will "kick-start" the hormonal reaction to flowering (which is triggered mainly by the length of the dark period). An extended dark transition and a straight flip to 12/12 both work, the only issue is if the extended dark makes them flower a little quicker or not.

    Another possible reason to give an extended dark at the start is just to get the lights onto a schedule that works for you.
  3. I've only a few grows under my belt, both of which were switched from 24/0 and 18/6 to 12/12 immediately. No stress that I could tell, and if there indeed was any stress, I wouldn't really know how it would manifest itself. Hermies maybe? I would think that any stress related to lighting would be a consequence of inherently bad lighting design or schedule, not the switch.

    I have indeed allowed for longer periods of darkness as Toasty alluded to simply to get the 12/12 light cycle closer to my own schedule and to deal with the occasional power outage which throws the light timer off. I don't want to have to work/water/trim the plants at 1 in the morning, for example.
  4. I would tend to agree with the other posters. On both of my completed grows so far I've gone strait from 24/0 to 12/12 and both times I was able to sex in 5-7 days and should be able to sex the ones I put on 12/12 monday tonight or tomorrow night. so if theres is stress I cant see it as being much at all. No hermies or slows in growth for me...
  5. Thanks a million for all the positive answer. Love this forum..
    I've switched to 12/12 with initial 20 hrs total darkness. Should be doing good.... Thanks guys!!

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