Light question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by pdinmn, Oct 15, 2023.

  1. I received a couple clones that were taken from a mother that was on a 24/7 cycle. I want to put them on a 18/6 cycle, without them flowering as I want these to be mothers, what needs to be done?
  2. No problem........they won't flower on an 18/6 light schedule.
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  3. #3 bryan oconner, Oct 15, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
    So your using a clone from a clone to be doner plants for a commercial situation ? I would not do it
    Plant new seeds . Let the seeds grow use them for mothers . You will have thousands of dollars invested in the ebill .Time spent work.
    If your in the us greybear about 5 bucks per seed
    If its for your personal and friends smoke not using it as a business you will be ok.
    Im only concerned about over 20 plants Hate to see 30k of stuff not able to hit the market
  4. what is the problem of taking clones from a plant that was a clone? Maybe your answer will help me understand why that is ok for personal/friend use but not for commercial applications? TIA.
  5. Im not getting into the genetic drift debate . Like the flush or not debate. In a business with serious capital on the line there is no room for errors . If it comes out weak loose buds it will be all pre rolls .
    I have seen some issues cloning from a clone .
    Keep in mind my data is 10 years old on some tests . I used to have all these test results stored on my labtop. Labtops wont later over 5 years old anymore lol . Ok Seed plant test 19 percent thc. Clone from the seed test 15 % Clone from clone thc test 10 % Ruff numbers. To keep from getting a lot of ow this and that . I will say subjective. numbers and tests from iron labs the strand was keen seed company cyber crystal .
    I have seen people buy clones from the dispo . The veg stage always look amazing . Once you get them to flower ! This is where you know there are some serious issues . I have seen weed so over cloned you could not harvest the buds lol. It was leaf and bud formations . It lost all of its original genetics .
    Again i am going to say subjective answer . I know what i have seen and tested . Im now just a personal grower retired commercial grower . I may have questions for you rookie personal grower .
    I did plant just one seed two days ago in paper towel I will get it going in a few days
  6. For what ever reason I ran into issues once with cloning up 5 or 6 times on a white widow plants
  7. What issue did you have ?
  8. couldnt give the plant any amount of nutrients
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  9. Yeah i could see that . And over cloned could lose there special ability to resist molds so on.
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