I have 6 54W 4ft long T5 HO Lights. My grow space is a little under 4ft wide so i cant have the lights flush with the top of the closet. should i have the lights vertically (3 on each side of the plants)? or have the lights on an angle above the plants? i attached a diagram it was fun to draw, yeah im a bit stoned....
SUN | | | pot That's how god did it. That's how the plants have grown for untold eons. That's how your plants should grow.
i would try to make a teepee out of the lights like this -> /\ with the plants under or inside it, this will be better, b/c fluoro tubes are brightest in the middle & dimmest & hottest at the ends. & the sun doesnt come straight down like above, it rises in the east & sets in the west, so the sun rays are always changing direction