Light/Growing Room

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by donkey12, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Hi everyone i got a room that is about 7 x 3.5 and i want to grown some fat buds. I was just wondering if two 400w HPS would get the job done?
  2. How many plants?
  3. lol im sure two 400 watt hps will more then do the job as long as u only do about 6 to 8 plants 8 might be pushin it im still a noob tho so dont take my word

  4. Yea, two 400w hps's will be plenty. Have u decided which growing medthod u r gonna use (sog, scog, etc.). U might even wanna splityour room in half with your hps on one side and a mh or some floros so u can have some mother plants to clone, that way u won't have to start from seed everytime. Just a thought
  5. Hey again, well I got 6 plants in the room. I am keeping my clones in a different room "the veg room". All of my babies are growing in hydroponics, and they are growing extremity fast. I just need to make sure they are getting enough light.

  6. Hi, well even though i have been doing a lot of research and have asked a lot of questions i am still a pretty big noob and didn't use any growing method i am just kinda letting do their thing. I do want try something with my next set of clones. Is there anything that you might recommend?

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