light green leaves.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SharkyL7, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. #1 SharkyL7, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2012
    Leaves are light green and droopy also feels dry. Help please! Any help greatly appreciated!!

    Also is too much ph buffer solution bad for the plant? It took me a couple tries to get the ph level right. Amateur : l

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  2. looks to me like it's begging for food, ie nitrogen. what ya feeding her?
  3. That plant looks exactly like mine did when I first grew, what strain is it? But yeah i would get some 20-20-20 with added Micro nutes, start it off with 1/4th dosage and work your way up, will see a rapid change in growth and all your deficiencies will clear up.

    Bout to harvest for the first time, plant really went through a lot but still turned out female and is producing tight sticky bud!
  4. Also is it getting enough fresh air? and whats the temperature at your canopy?
  5. What type of soil? What ferts are you using and how often? What is your PH of water?

    A little more info and we can narrow it down. I agree it looks like it is screaming to be fed.
  6. I needs food, if not food at least more water. The bigger they are the more they drink. If you have stagnant air, put a fan in there. That doesnt seem to be the case though, because the plant is growing.

    Water more often. Get soil damp not water logged each time
  7. fox farms big bloom. i just switched it into coco gro bag.
  8. #8 SharkyL7, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2012
    i started feeding with fox farms big bloom and switched it over to a coco gro bag.. How often should i feed?


  9. i switched my plant into a coco gro bag and started feeding with fox farms big bloom. I feed whenever the soil feels dry, so maybe every 3 or 4 days..

    The leaves are really bright green and drying now.. Two of the older leaves turned brown, curled up and fell off. But that was before i switched to the coco gro. Any advice would help! Thank you.
  10. how are you judging when to water?

    Looks to me as though you have some deficiencies and/or lockouts. Normally don't jump to that conclusion, but the black spots on the leaf in the foreground is one indicator, and the way the leaf in the background is loosing her green is another indicator of lockout.

    Check out the sick plant section, many tips on identifying and remedying sick plant situations.

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