Light green leaves on new growth...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by fee526, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone. You all seem to know a lot about growing. I have some veggies in soil about 2 months old now. When they were just a few weeks old I sprayed half of them with way too much Organicide. That half has been having problems ever since. :eek:

    They're doing much better now but still a few of them are light green everywhere, or new growth is light green. Everything else is darker green. I was thinking Mg deficiency but am not too sure since I've been adding Cal/Mag every time. I want to flower soon but I'd rather wait since some of them are lighter than they could be.

    Should I up the Cal/Mag? Should I flush each one with half the nutrients? If so, how many gallons each? Should I up my pH to 6.8 instead of the usual 6.3-6.5? Any help would be appreciated! :)
  2. Nitrogen deficiency. Feed it a few times with some natures nectar nitrogen and ur all good they will certainly perk back up and get green.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I initially thought that was the case, but learned that N deficiency begins yellowing from the bottom up and these veggies are dark green at the bottom and lighter towards the top.
  4. Sounds like nitrogen to me. Go snap some pics because this isn't helping anyone...
  5. The light green new growth is now better. A friend suggested lowering/decreasing the fans in the room as they were creating an effect similar to very high winds at all times.

    Now they're in flower stage about 10 days in but some of them aren't absorbing water efficiently and I fear there is a salt buildup. I'm working on resolving that now. Thanks everyone!
  6. When I switch to flower the new growth becomes lighter green. They always lighten up on top so be careful how much n you give em.
  7. #7 Freeborn, May 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2013
    When I switch to flower the first two feedings still have half grow this will avoid the yellow new growth that is the result of the straight cut off of a large amount of nitrogen as grow contains

    What are your ppm or how much are you feeding it sounds like your plants are hungry that's good that your adding cal mag if your feeding with it every time use half the dose on the bottle an over dose is ugly

    Pics would help

    Sent from iPhone 5
  8. Thanks for replying guys. It was definitely the fans as it was blowing hard in there. They are looking much better and are in week 3 of flower and lots of small hairs everywhere. As far as N deficiency, that would be for the bottom leaves getting lighter first. This is not the case as the bottom leaves were always a darker green and new growth was exceptionally lighter. Now all growth is mostly the same color.

    I'm having a problem with one of them not absorbing water. It looks good except for some drooping happening from what I believe to be "overwatering" since the water is there, but it it not taking it in because of lockout. Going to wait for it to dry out and lighten up the load significantly with nutes - especially calmag. Thanks again.

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