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Light Flickering - Is this bad for my plant ?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Bong Time, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I have looked up about It & I believe the problem Is not In my house but with the power cables coming to my house (Its windy as hell so that could be It )

    I dunno I have taken my plant out of the box for now & In day light untill I notice the flickering has stopped IF It does :/
  2. Could be your cap on your ballast going too; how old and heavily used is your set up?

    I kind of doubt its your line into your house unless you live in the sticks or on a solar grid...

    As for the plants as long as its not long durations of dark; I doubt they could tell, but better play it safe and keep them out in case it's your lamp.
  3. No trust me I have done alot of research on the place Im living & This estate has a shocking Power supply ... & the Wiring In the house was ridiculous - looked like someone on a apprenticeship had done the Job ; ]

    Anyway I have asked Neighbours if they are experiencing the same problem & both houses on either side are noticing Up stairs light's flickering ... This tells me the problem Is not with anything In my house or my Grow Its outside :mad:

    So no doubt there's going to be a construction site outside In a week or two & no F***In Electric , Great stuff :/ Thanks for posting though man I appreciate It ... yOu know If Its going to be effecting my plant ? Im in flowering ( 14 days into 12/12 )
  4. That's supper shitty man!

    Don't think it's going to hurt your plants much as long as there is no long period of dark.
    However if your using a HPS it's going to wreak havok on your cap and ballast. So I'd keep them in the sun and pick up a large battery backup UPS. should smooth the incoming current enough to rid of the flickering. You can also build a large smoothing circuit.
  5. Yh my mate said he could sort It out for me , But It wouldn't be cheap I think he was planning on re wiring up stairs : / & I don't like the sound of that at the time been anyway ... Hopefully It wont do them any harm - i'm using CFL's so It should be fine

    Thanks very much for helping me out thou man , much appreciated .

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