Light Cycle Q's and Harvest Q's, Help?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by SmallFarmer, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, i was just wondering when a good time to harvest will be. I assume it depends on plant size, and im still about 2 weeks away from my intended switch to the 12/12 light cycle, but for roughly a 14inch plant, how many weeks after starting the 12/12 light cycle should i look to start choppin down my trees? Also: I assume if i us an 11:13 light cycle (11hrs light) instead of the 12/12 that it will not affect the plants flowering state, but im a newbie so i dont know. Will a 13/11 light cycle have a different (negative) affect on my plants? I dont have a timer, so if its about 1hr off (worst case scenario; the plant gets 11hrs of light one day, but 12 the next, or 10 one day and 12 the next, etc, etc.) will that affect the plant?

    thanks! :smoke:
  2. Really try to get a timer it will make your life easier and the plants will be happy. Harvest all depends on the strain. Do you know what strain it is ?
  3. I agree, shit dude (or dudette)....just spend a few bucks on a timer...theyre not that expensive
  4. Most of your questions can easily be answered with a 30 second google search.
  5. Flower time does not depend on size of plant, it depends mostly on the strain/genetics.

    Don't give less than 12 hours uninterrupted dark when you are inducing flowering.
  6. okay so none of you actually answered by question. i didnt ask if i needed a timer? can someone actually read my question and answer it helpfully please?
  7. ok here ill chime in, switching the timing over and over like that will stress out your plant/s which will slow down your grown process and doesnt help the overall health of your plant.... yes you should get a timer, but if you cant than try to stay to 12/12 AS BEST AS YOU CAN

    as far as harvesting and what not im in the same boat as you, im using bag seed and dont know what strain it is so we just have to play it by ear.... your plant is not gonna be done flowering till around 8-10 weeks OF FLOWERING, but again you need to keep a close eye on her to see how the buds are growing in..... if i were you i would just expect it to take atleast 8 wees and than everyday just take it as just another day and if you think shes really chop that bitch, if not go to the next day

    hope it helps
  8. As others have said, buy a timer. I have one and it helps so much.
    On harvesting, indica dominants will generally take 8 - 10 weeks, while sativa dominants can take up to 12 weeks. Also, buy yourself a pocket microscope to check the trichomes. When they start turning amber you're pretty good to harvest.
  9. They did. IT DEPENDS ON STRAIN so there's no answer. Tell us what strain you have and we can answer it. Or better yet don't tell us the strain and google search the strain's flowering time. OR even better fuckin YET learn how to feel out when you should harvest. There's a good post on rollitup about how to figure out when a plant is ready to flower. Generally it's just cloudy trichomes and receded pistils. And flowering times are pretty much always 8 weeks or more.

    Oh yeah and buy a timer asshole. You'll thank us later :D
  10. Cutting the light cycle short is not a big deal (overcast days/thunderstorms are normal) but cutting the dark cycle short will stress them. Off by an hour will not affect the yield enough for you to notice, but would enough for a precise grower to. That isn't a bash, we all grow how we choose, but if you aren't going to buy a timer then you probably don't have an excel sheet to observe nute/co2/temp/watt vs final product relationships.

    Also, when the tricombs start to turn amber you can harvest for a up/hyper high, wait until they are fully amber colored to get a couch-lock effect.
  11. Au contraire, your questions have been answered directly and clearly.


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