Light and type's mainly how many hours question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by kaplow420, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. might be a dumb question but im new, and i could not find on forums i got a sprout that just poked its head out from the soil my questions is lights and hours for veg and flower stages.

    CFL's btw

    6,500k veg and hours are 18 hours "on" 6 hours "off"
    2,700k flower 12hours "on" 12 hours "off"

    am i correct what i just said?
  2. Yes, that'll work. If you're using multiple small CFLs you might wanna throw in a couple of 6,500k bulbs for flower, get the best of both.
  3. im going to have 2 small plants (micro grow) "ish" i have 4 23(used wats) 100w equivalent flower and veg CFL's in a small ish white glossy wall ventelated room at 78-83 dagrees am i all good?
  4. #4 Optical, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Temps are fine. 4 x 23w = 92w, I'd get 3 more 23w CFLs, for a total of 161w. That's 7 CFLs.

    If possible get 5x 6500k and 5x 2700k as they're cheapish. Use 5x 6500k and 2x 2700k for veg then 5x 2700k and 2x 6500k for flower. Obviously switching from 18/6 to 12/12 when you change the bulbs/want to flower. That's what I'd do. :)

    Good luck! (You should do a grow journal on here! :D)

    Edit- I got confused, changed the advice :smoke:
  5. lol thanks! im gunna start a journal here pretty soon ive been taking pics by day, thanks again!
  6. 18 hrs is good but you can go on 24/0 in veg if heat/power isn't an issue and get a little faster growth. Peace.
  7. Sweet thanks! they are about a inch tall now, I'm starting to flower(limited space) but i got one question, i got slight air blowing on both plants but the fan needs to go though lights to hit the other plant its the only way i can set up. the plant farthest away gets close to 90F and the other always stays about 80F I got 4 23W CFL's on EACH plant. any recommendations? the lights are about 3 inches away... the trick is i dont want the plant to stretch at all
  8. Hmm. At an inch tall you can def cut the light down for a while. Sprouts don't need 100 watts yet. Of course increase it as they get bigger. You can usually get cfl's within an inch or so which will slow vertical growth. Just watch them closely at first because they can get burned. What's the size of your grow space and Do you have any ventilation. 90 is upper end for the seedlings but will have to come down as they get bigger. That high will slow growth for sure. Contolling temp and getting fresh air in is of utmost importance. Hope this helps.
  9. thanks! its 1.5 feet by 1 foot by 3 feet tall, i got a air purifier blowing in and a computer fan blowing out. ambiant temp is always 78-82 but soil temp is high... i backed the lights off another 3 inches
  10. Those temps are reasonable. I've never done a "micro" grow so I'm not sure how much more I could offer. Seems like you have a good start. Post up a pic if you can. Good luck man.
  11. Hello, You can keep your veg. growth light on 24 hrs a day and your bloom cycle is the same 12/12. You can even drop 1/2 hr. every 2 weeks of bloom time if you want to push the bloom cycle.:smoke:
  12. Thanks bud! I do got one question. If the plant is small and you start to flower how much bigger will it get
  13. Well, the general rule is 2 to 3 times depending on strain, although I'm sure this really applies to plants that have been vegged. Although I've never done it , I would guess flowering from seed will greatly reduce yield.
  14. Yeah the yeild is a bummer but im very limited on space
  15. IDK man. With 3 ft vertical space i think i would still try and veg for a couple weeks and get a couple good branches going and embark on some creative training. Just a thought. Peace.
  16. Thanks i seen a guy 16oz party cup who got 10 grams and it was 2 1/2 feet tall who flowered from seed
  17. #18 eddro, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    That's cool man. Good luck. If you get.a journal up hit me up with a link. I'd like to see how it goes. LateR

    oh, shit. I just saw that you already did. I'll follow along man.
  18. hahaha cool im putting up day 5 as we speak

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