Life sucks.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by your smoke, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Every day is just a repeat of the last, just bad goes to horrifying.
    My problems walk along with me every step of the way down the stairs of my heart.
    Every beginning is starts of being a dead end, and running is pointless the problems just drag me back.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. Whats depressing you my old fruit

    Who said you cant grow venom on trees?? Psycho ses or shiva tangerine dream k2 lemon or cheese.. One crop? 24 keys
  3. I have a terrible life, I still love it! <3
  4. Only you can fix that. In the mean time smoke some really good weed.
    Life philosophically and scientifically is comprised of limitless possibility. You have no one to blame for the shitty walk through it except for yourself.
  6. Werd, what's keeping you feeling depressive and full of sorrow? We need some input in able to give out output. 
  7. you need to keep yourself occupied, learn a new skill.
  8. The mind can make a hell out of a heaven and a heaven out of a hell. You can either complain about it and make it worse than it already is or enjoy what you can.

    Sent from The Gods.

  9. Do at least one thing different tomorrow. It can be anything, from the smallest thing like making your bed to something big like quitting cigs (if you smoke).

    One good decision leads to the next and before you know you will have completely changed your lifestyle to something you love.

    Be happy man :)
  10. what problems you want to share with us strangers here? 
  11. It's not as bad as you think man. All will be well. Just don't make things worse than they really are by thinking negatively.
  12. #12 PigBenis696969, Nov 12, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2013
    CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECESTHIS IS MY LAST RESORTSUFFOCATION... NO BREATHING...the only feel i knowSent from my Eris using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  13. #13 himan235, Nov 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2013
    I know from personal experience life can suck if all you do is sit in a room all day with no social experience of a job or friends. Then again everday doesnt need to be huge fuckin existence. Contrary to movies and tv not everday is a fuckin major party. Sometimes you just have to be content with what you have and plan for the future. Fuck feeling down at the great existence of others  around you can concentrate on yourself and what you will do great tomorrow 

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