Life outside of Earth?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by stookey, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. yep....if Gods possible, that other forms of life is......
  2. [​IMG]




    There is no life in space ,ok ??.
  3. Haha,not in space, but maybe on other planets.
  4. drake equation and beyond. life is all around.

  5. Skip the algea (is that the right spelling?). Algea is a plant matter. According to the idea of evolution, we had single celled organisms like amoeba that evolved into simple multicelled organisms progressively more complex to water-dwelling organisms, to amphibious beings...etc.
  6. I'd go as far as to say that since time and space are infinite, there could even be an 'earth-2' somewhere out there. Extremely similar to ours. Also, I think there are infinite amounts of other life forms in space.
  7. Jesus Inferior Wang are you a astrologist(bad spelling) or somthing? Your sure know alot about space.

    Another intresting thought is where did all this come from? One day did the universe apear out of nothing into something and formed all this? You could go insane trying to understand it all
  8. i was thinking that perhaps the universe is a very small part of something much larger. like a planet is part of a solar sytem, and a solar system is part of a galaxy, which is part of a universe. perhaps what it is part of cannot be talked of fathomed in any way possible. the universe could just me a single "molecule" of lets say a "planet" form
  9. ive thought of that before, but still if were only a single "cell" in a bigger "organism" still how did organism get there? There had to be a begining sometime.
  10. lol, no. I'm just very interested in theoretical physics and space. You have to learn the basics of how things work so that you can theorize and debate within the rules of the universe. And I think the universe must have been created. It requires faith whether you believe some being created it or try to follow the scientific explanations because no scientific explanation has ever actually covered the origin of the universe. There's the big bang theory, but where did the insanely dense ball of matter come from?

  11. this is something similar to the theory of guya(sp?). for example thinking of earth as a molecule or organ or soemthing of a much larger organism
  12. Dude, you're ingnoring the quite likely chance that an outside body, such as a large mass from outside our solarsystem (or even inside, in the asteroid belt) might disrupt our orbit in the Sun's gravity well by pulling us aside (from the asteroid's own gravity well).

    You two need to think outside just the fixed solar system model, outside intervention or another system is always a certain thing.
  13. minds blown. It matters which planet evolved closer to the big bang, cuz everythings going faster than light so position in the galaxy has alot to do with how evolved that life is.

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