It takes a lot of money to compete in equestrian trials,,mostly attended by bankers,lawyers and what most would consider the upper crust of society,,,most of them were probably buying they'res from her minority stall cleaner.
I wonder what her production was...... with 2800 plants turning out - say 3/4 Lb (12 Oz) per plant --and assuming 3 grows per year--- that one grow op was turning out over three tons of pot per year......and probably a lot more
So why? She was a model citizen who grew and sold marijuana. Why ruin her life for this? Why? I am assuming by her status that things stayed mostly calm and nonviolent, it seems like they were just like heres a big grow and someones life we can ruin over nothing.
I thought I covered it in my posting above,,equestrian events,,owning horses and stables are very expensive hobbies,,,ask Romney,,now add appx $1 million a year her part to her income. The only people that can make that kind of money off of pot and not go to jail are the banks,CIA and the IRS.
She did it in the heart of NYC. Thats where she fucked up....if your gunna run an OP that big at least do it in a medical state. I bet NYC is gunna fuck her way more than a medical state Would. Specially Cuz Its her first charge.
None of you are the least bit paranoid when you read this? "While court filings do not address how long Sanderlin has allegedly been in the lucrative marijuana trade, online posts appear to show her hydroponic interests date back at least five years. In March 2008 messages posted to a forum, registered user “and68i†wrote about ph balances for hydroponic grows Sanderlin, who was born in February 1968, has used the “and68i†handle in her e-mail address, postings to other message boards (unrelated to pot) on which she signed messages “Andrea,†a YouTube account, and a horse sale web site on which she uses her full name."
after hearing all the info the government is taking from Verizon and knowing the capabilities of computers,,no it doesn't make me paranoid because I knew when I did anything on the internet,,even typing here,,the government can look at it,,just as with all telephone calls are recorded,,the only time they will look that stuff up is if they are targeting you. Of course,,standing up and calling them out on the hypocrisy of marijuana prohibition may piss them off but as Obama said,,they have bigger fish to fry,,,like figuring out how to stop China taking over the money market and making our dollar drop so hard you will feel the change in your pocket shrink.
Dont do the crime, if you cant do the time. Ill alway be ready to go Cuz Its the consequences of what we do. Regardless it Its illegal or not. The feds Would of never found her online account if she didnt get busted. They prolly searched her whole hardrive/history from her personal comp and found it.
If she had YouTube vids and was making inquiries about growing online, if I were a cop, I'd see who it was and if they had property holdings or large rents in their name. Her online activity may very well be what led them to her. Doesn't seem as though she was very careful. She seems to have an addiction to MONEY. Horses ain't cheap.