If RSO was purchased from a licensed dispensary to develop a product and then want to market it for production to another licensed dispensary, does that person have to have a license in Michigan ? if so what kind of license would rhey need ?
Maybe a lawyer with experience in Michigan pot law could point you in the right direction. It might also be helpful to speak to a dispensary owner near you about this question. I don't think you need to worry over your idea being stolen, there are few original ideas and very few that lead to a successful enterprise.
Yes thank you so much. I have tried speaking to a cannabis lawyer .. they say free consultation but want to charge $500 an hr to answer one question. And yes I’m actually on the right path now. For us , success is the only option for this product. Thanks again for the comment. God Bless
I'm hesitant to say that by definition, success is never the only option and we all know what the other option is called. So you don't want to produce your product....All Natural Terp Flavored Gummies featuring assorted terps from famous strains....you just want to sell your recipe to a licensed dispensary and have them produce and sell the gummies. I don't see why you'd need a license to sell a recipe. Maybe if you made samples to distribute...and you'd probably need to pay for testing. I just googled my terp flavored gummy idea and they're already on the market. Anyway, good luck and I hope your dreams come true, if not with this, with something else. Just keep trying and maybe they will, just don't be borrowing money from your relatives to fund your ideas.
I understand if we wanted to produce it ourselves we would need a license. But not everyone is cannabis intelligent .. that’s the whole reason I joined this forum. For help that is in a position nature .. not belittling Thanks for the insight about your definition of success. It’s all about perspective. But yea we got it covered. And not sure who you are to be telling people not to borrow money from relatives ? Lmao. I actually don’t need to do anything like that. That seems a bit like a passive aggressive attack on someone you don’t even know lol Or maybe you had a bad experience borrowing money from your relatives At any rate .. on the positive things you said thank you. My dreams will definitely come true and actually are at this very moment Good luck to you !
It's true, when my oil cap kicks in I can get a little direct and state my opinions unsolicited as if I were speaking to a friend. TBC, I wasn't giving my definition of success, I was referring to the definition of option. You said success was the only option but it's impossible to have a single option. You probably meant success was the only acceptable option and I was being too critical. Picking at knits is one of my personality defects and frequently gets me in hot water so I'll apologize for that.