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lets talk about

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The Audion, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 The Audion, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    bong water

    i was just smoking out of my bong and thinking about this. people always say bong water stinks, and it does. but i was wondering, does the smell of the bong water have anything to do with quality/type of weed?

    I mean people say the bongs filtration of water doesn't do that much, but you got to imagine some of that stink has to do with nasty chemicals trapped by the water (carcinogens and whatnot)
  2. I don't notice a difference in smell of the bong with good vs not so good bud. Not that i go out the way to smell the bong water.

    There has gotta be something filtered out for it to smell so rank though.
  3. idk my bong never smells i empty my water after every 3 bowls becuse then it gets to ashy
  4. Bong water in My coffee? :)
    It doesn't sound bad :p
  5. i like to keep a supa clean binger, ive noticed the smell gets bad then plateaus then gets better? like not as strong... ive noticed this at a friends house who keeps his bong water going for like a couple days until its foul as fuck.(like black stinky and ash everywhere.
  6. I've noticed it stinks no matter what kind of weed is being smoked.

    I think it has to do with the tar/resin that is trapped in the water, but also with the bits of ash and greenery that get pulled in with it. That sits in the already ishy water and gets nastier and nastier as time goes on.

    We change our water often, but I have heard of people growing mold in their bongs. Moisture + organic material =mold.
  7. It always smells the same to me

    also, title made me think of: [ame=]YouTube - Salt N Pepa - Let'S Talk About Sex (The Original)[/ame]

  8. I hate when my bong water has bad breath!:smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :yay::yay: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:
  9. I love the excitement of throwing in some new fresh ice cold water. :smoke:


  10. [ame=]YouTube - Cannabis Corpse - Mummified In Bong Water[/ame]

    Interesting question. I don't think it would matter, but yet then firewood ash smells completely different than cigarette ash.

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