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Let's set the score straight

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Stone Walled, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. #1 Stone Walled, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Ok, so I've been seeing a lot of MFLB threads, and I am beginning to wonder what vape I should purchase and others should as well.
    Here are my three choices:

    MFLB (Magic Flight Launch Box)
    -Portable, efficient, cheap

    Da Buddha
    -Desktop, adjustable temp, great design

    Hot box
    -Desktop, no adjustable temp

    Also what do you think of the iolite?

    Which of these are the best? I know the MFLB is the cheapest, but Da buddha is only 80 bucks more. What do you guys think? Also, if you have a better choice for this price range, feel free to add to the thread.
  2. Haha oh man what have i done to these forums with my MFLB talk :smoke:

    I love the MFLB. Honestly, if you are looking for a vape that can be portable and is stealthy as fuck, get the MFLB.

    If you don't need to hide anything, don't want to vape anywhere like movie theatres, work, school, etc. (places you normally cant.. only with the MFLB) then get Da Buddha. It's a great desktop vape and it gives thicker rips.

    Its basically thicker rips for stealthiness. Both are about the same in terms of evenly vaping the herb and efficiency

    You have to remember they serve different purposes, and both excel at the purpose its for :D I am at home atm and grandma doesnt know i smoke, so i have the MFLB. It gets me baked, and thats all i want.

    /thread :smoke:
  3. I really like the MFLB. It works about as well, if not better, than the expensive ones, it is really portable and easy to use. It heats up/cools down almost instantly. You could probably get away with using it in a theater. And it is cheap! (which means more money for bud:smoke: )
  4. I would say for portability you can't go wrong with the MFLB as for a desktop version of a vape there are so many that are excellent (Purple Days, Extreme Q, Da Buddah, SSV, Volcano) you'll be happy with any of these vapes. I have owned both the Extreme Q and the Da Buddah, me personally like the Extreme Q more because it does bags, whips, and can attach to your bong. I have a review in my sig if your interested in learning more about it.
  5. Yeah, the MFLB is pretty sweet but portability isn't too important to me, neither is stealth. I have my own place and I am looking for the best quality vape that isn't going to cost me 500 bucks. If the MFLB truly dominates all others, then for sure that will be my purchase. What do you guys think of the iolite as well?

  6. I do not recommend the iolite at all, so many people have had problems with the device itself and the company as well.

    If you are not looking for portability or stealth, get Da Buddha :) It is a pretty sick desktop vape especially for its price. MFLB is amazing, but Da Buddha would be better for only home vaping. Even if you do decide to get the MFLB because you want to use it places, etc. You will definitely be satisfied. MFLB or DBV will both satisfy you :D

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