Lets see your tattoos

Discussion in 'Tattoo, Piercings and Body Art' started by Smokaification, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Im a tattoo lover and collector, and i'd love to see your tattoos, heres one of my favorites, i got it about 8 months ago

    Attached Files:

  2. thank you, i like the microphone wire spellin out a name, and the "its a leaf" one, cool ideas

    Who else has body art theyd like to share?
  3. wheres all the body art man!
  4. Heres mine man:


    Got it on my 18th birthday :)
  5. ^ i like it, any meaning?
  6. Nah, I mainly got it because I wanted a tatto that would make me laugh, and it certainloy does that :)

    The tattoos with more personal meaning I havent gotten yet because their larger and more expensive.
  7. haha, cool i have a lil stoned smily on my shoulder....lol, its kinda shitty but i like it, ill post it when im not lazy:smoking:<he looks like this guy kinda...
  8. Haha that sounds awesome :)
  9. sorry for the hairyness, im a mans man lol

    Attached Files:

  10. yea, thats not u...if it is...ur fuckin stupid, show that to your grandchildren
  11. just watch americas most wanted... they will show it. im the 3rd :eek:
  12. ???wtf???
  13. Hahahahah thats dank as fuck, man!
  14. why thank you my good sir

  15. my friend has a small homade pothead smiley on his hand.
  16. here's mine.
    got it on 4/20/08 :D :smoke:


  17. thats really good looking.

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