Lets See a Picture of Your Eyes!

Discussion in 'General' started by picantesauce, Jun 26, 2010.

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  1. or just an eye...lol...I'll start...:smoking:

  2. Uh, WTF? You call yourself a marijuana enthusiast? Where's the RED at?!? :D

  3. Visine my friend...Visine :hello::smoke:
  4. i find whenever i smoke my eyes turn very green. then when i put visine in them they stay that shade of green when orig. i would think theyre green because of the contrasting red. i'll post pics later

    my eyes change color all the time but always turn green when i smoke. anyone ever experience this.
  5. Ah, touche my friend, touche. However, Rhotos FTW... :smoke:
  6. hell ya Rohto kicks ass!
  7. you have the eye of the stoner!
  8. #8 zombiegreen, Jun 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2010
    haha fun night
  9. Shiiit sonn. Tell me about it haha

  10. rollin rollin rollin we aint slept in weeks.
  11. oh my god i tried to take a pohoto but the webcam is so scary man, seeing myself starting at myself was freaking me the fuck out. i'll try again whene i'm less high
  12. [​IMG]

    Sober night for me.
  13. yeah it was a crazy fun night :D I'll prob delete the pic cause IDK if its kosher considering the new rules and whatnot
  14. haha i wasnt offended.. had no problem
  15. Did you know your iris is unique like your fingerprint?
    Neat little fact since I don't have a picture right now
  16. I tried taking one with my webcam but it doesn't really show the right color or something idk... =\
  17. yeah my webcam only shows in black and white. i dont know how to change it but i know it can be done
  18. [​IMG]

    I do love me the eye liner... :D
  19. This is an old pic I still got...

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