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Let's play out a PLAUSABLE "What if" scenario if the government declared Aliens Exist

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Senior PoopiePants, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. This is a subject that I could go on and on about.
    I believe these motherfuckers are out there - both good and bad ET's.
    Just like how we have good people and bad people on Earth, I'm sure there are entities out there that struggle with good and bad as well. So that being said:

    How do you think life would change for us if we woke up one day, and it's plastered all over the news that ET has landed or that the US Government finally has spilled the beans?
    Lets say that there is no threat of war or anything like that - they're benign.

    Would we be at work the next day, casually shooting the shit with a co-worker about it and then forget about it? Or would you be psyched?

    Would stores close? Would organized religion be uprooted? Would we feel not so alone anymore? Would our lives change in an instant, just knowing that there is something more evolved than us? Would the meaning of life seems a little more clear?

    And I'm not talking about movies, but every movie I see about aliens have to do with them wanting to take over the world and/or wiping us out.

    I personally don't think this is the case, assuming that they exist and have been visiting all along. They would of done it a long time ago.

    So what do you guys think? I'm really interested to hear how something of this magnitude would affect us all.
  2. It wouldn't affect me at all... Its a fact that there's other lifeforms out there, just like the huge coincidence of life on Earth, it has happened elsewhere for sure... knowing that doesn't make a difference if the governments want to let us know or not.

    I don't understand why anyone would freak out LOL... it makes no difference. Maybe religions would lose some followers, but I dunno, in my opinion nothing will change except the clothes I wear that day and maybe what I eat for breakfast.
  3. Hmm, first thing that pops into my mind is the social problems that is going to cause. Some of us haven't accepted the fact that they we humans come in different colors, and now imagine the "specieism" (yup I just made up a word) that would cause. Honestly I would be glad, and figure out some get quick rich scheme. Bet they would introduce us to some of their planet's own natural wonders :D
  4. well it would solve the race problem

    we would all unite under hate for aliens....

  5. 1/3 of us would go apeshit crazy and want to destroy them before they enslave us.

    1/3 of us would want to be friends, learn their knowledge and assimilate their technology. (Possibly more, it seems like american society at least is becoming more accepting of the idea)

    and the last third will be a mix of people who dismiss it as a hoax, kill themselves because it completely destroyed their reality, or think they're gods/angels and proceed to worship them, then deny their existence for thousands of years later.
  6. First thing I thought of would be the technology they would bring us. The amount of technology they must possess would be staggering. Everything would be changed.
  7. I'm thinking that some people would flip out. I believe that there would be some problems, but when it's alll said and done, we would probably get a nice dose of humility. Perhaps we would treat eachother better. Maybe the race barrier would go away - who knows?
    But I'm wondering what kind of spiritual enlightenment these guys could have. Not just physical technology, also maybe they have a complete history on our origin, and what happens when you die, etc.
    That's the shit I would wanna know about. I'm tired of life being such a mystery. It's a shame that I would want to rely on ET's to show us the way, but hey - science and religion(s) are a little too inconclusive for me.
    Just my 2 pennies worth.
  8. I want to hypothesize about the reaction our world would have to a true-to-life alien visit, but I can't get past the fact that an alien civilization advanced enough to visit us would know well enough to stay the fuck away from this planet's inhabitants.
  9. I would LOL at religions worldwide, cuz they'll either finally shut the fuck up, or try to make other shit up to try to save face.

    Or try to convert the aliens :rolleyes:
  10. If people closed down the stores, people would have to start looting to get what they need, and hell would break loose shortly thereafter.

    Also, what makes you believe some beings that evolved independently would have human notions of being good or bad? I recently read a thesis from Richard Dawkins who thinks humans evolved morals from the times of the hunter gatherer lifestyle when being a dick would get you killed. You were constantly in contact with the same people, and constant killing would've reduced our chances for survival. There were no police. I doubt any aliens would have faced such problems.
  11. Ahh, that's a great point. Our perception of right and wrong could be the polar opposite to another civilization.
    Good point...
    Oh, and I didn't mean closing stores indefinetly - my bad. I meant just on the day we all would find out. Would the world stand still for a day or two?
  12. I personally agree with what Michael Crichton said in Sphere. One of the characters writes a report for the gov't about how to deal with first contact with extraterrestrial life, and the character organizes it on the principle that a human's first reaction to an alien would be fear. If the gov't just said there were aliens, I don't think much would happen; you'd get a general spread of believers and skeptics, kinda like what you have now. If for example a spaceship landed in the middle of new york, I'd think there'd be mass panic. Also, chances are we wouldn't be able to reconcile an alien with the human mind's way of perception. There's nothing to say that an alien wouldn't either be physically bizarre in ways we can't process, or it could exist in more than three dimensions.
  13. #13 AlphaQ, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2009
    This would be by far the most important event in recorded history. It would change everything. Proof that we are but an insignificant part of a massively greater whole. I can't think of a more humbling and signifying event than proof of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

    The fact that a universe of intelligent beings exist means the discoveries and knowledge by humanity can continue for so long after we are dead. Imagine humans 100,000 years from now interacting with countless other extraterrestrial species across the galaxy and further.

    This would make all current day wars and squabbles appear primitive and ridiculous.
  14. The more and more I think about it, the more it seems like eventual government disclosure is inevitable. It could be months from now or it could be decades. A lot of people think the Obama administration will disclose, because they are known for supporting openness. This is certainly a possibility. However, it's hard to tell how significant it will be.

    I think one thing is for certain: the government has some knowledge about extraterrestrial life that they are keeping secret. There are been far too many sightings of UFOs, abduction accounts, and other unexplained events for the government to not consider it at least worth investigating. It would be foolish for them not to consider it a legitimate concern. It is also hard for me to believe that with all of our resources, all of the technology and manpower we have, that the government has not been able to confirm the existence of extraterrestrials and learn a thing or two about them by now.

    Have we have direct contact with them? Did a spacecraft really crash in Roswell? Does Area 51 or a similar secret government base exist to hide all of these secrets? It is hard to really know anything for certain about these subjects. But I do believe very firmly that the government knows something.

    To answer the original question though, I don't think it will change anything significantly. It is obvious that the extraterrestrials don't want to destroy us or directly influence our civilization in a major way with their presence, or they would have done it by now. Will there suddenly be aliens walking around living on Earth like humans? I doubt it. Will we all put aside our Earthly differences and live together in peace? I doubt it. But I do think it will be a very humbling and enlightening experience to finally know that we aren't alone in the universe.
  15. If the government suddenly came out with a report saying aliens were real, it would be mass hysteria. Hypothetically saying that aliens do in fact exist, the government would have a very real fear on their hands of telling the general public.

    You would have those who would flee, those who would kill themselves, those hippies, and those who would take up arms against the 'invaders'.
  16. I'd kill the aliens and keep the space cash.
  17. I think enough of us in the world are civilized enough to accept it if we were told, you're gonna get the nutballs that go and kill themselfs like they did when the war of the worlds came out on the radio, but whatever let them.

    I think the racial barriers might go down also, and we could finally unite.

    but, as much as I think that there are other intelligent species out there, I think 99% of credible UFO sightings that are seen (the ones that obviously arent hoaxes) are actually man made. They have been supposedly working on making flying saucers since world war II so it wouldnt surprise me, and the fact the SR-71 Blackbird was made in 1964 makes this more credible, because this plane was kept secret for a very long time and may still have classified details on it.

    so if they made shit like that in 1964 just imagine now, they probably have things 50 years beyond what we can even imagine, but due to the cold war and "national security" we will never have access to these great technologies.
  18. 1. People would flip and decide to arm themselves in case of an invasion. There are way to many sci fi movies out there that would force this stigma in people.
    2. The government, yea.... never trusted again. People would revolt and fuck their day up.
    3. ps4 would be banging. reality like without the death.
    4. maybe they have some great drugs???
  19. lol we can only hope...

    On a serious note, a lot of people in this thread are saying people would unite and all, and no way do I see this as a plausible outcome. We've been fighting with each other since we were apes with rocks and pointy sticks. All I can see as an outcome is our future wars will be fought with Marvin the Martian-style ray guns. On the bright side, this should make future wars an invaluble sense of humor and Saturday morning entertainment:D.


  20. lmao, the most important event in human history and the third thing is about ps4 lol!

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