lets get this forum going!

Discussion in 'Picture Post Archive' started by highasakite, Jan 15, 2001.

  1. high,

    i think we should start posting some pictures of your best nugz! this could be a really cool forum! I should be gettin some excellent ganja soon, and i'll post pictures of it...

    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. if i had a scaner or digatal camra ide post picts of pot, if i ever get any more. ive been dry for so long.

  3. If you want to do this site right, you need to set up the pics so they can be uploaded directly from the post, otherwise, nobody will figure it out.
  4. That might get tricky. I don't know of a way to do what you suggest (although Superjoint may). If anybody has difficulties, I can definitely give pointers on how to get a picture from one's computer to the bulletin board. It's not that hard. Just takes a little practice. [​IMG]

    Peace [​IMG]
  5. Bud ?

    can you show everybdy how to do that, than we will have some cool pics
    • Like Like x 1
  6. something like this:


    hope this works [​IMG]
  7. It involves finding a site that will host your pictures. Photopoint will allow you to upload pictures for use on other sites for free, but they will put photopoint.com above the picture. Go to that site and follow the directions on starting an "account" (all free BTW). They have a program that can be downloaded so you can upload pictures easily and in multiples. There is several easy ways to get the picture from your computer to their server. They will tell you step by step what to do. They will also tell you the url to put in the post to retrieve the picture.
    This is kind of a quick guide, but I figured it out just by opening my membership (would be better than account).
    If you have aol, go to keyword "my ftp space" and upload pictures to your aol space.
    The url for your picture will be as follows:
    Don't use www in the url of it will not work.

    If this quick guide does not help you enough, just email me and I can go through it with you. It's been a while since I've used photopoint (for ebay), but I think I got it right.

    Cool picture, superjoint!
    Looks YUMMY!

    Peace [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by budburner (edited January 16, 2001).]
    Love that KFC picture!

    I'll try it here:
    <img src=http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=1463694&a=11006260&p=38277445&Sequence=0&res=high>

    That pic is pretty damned funny!

    I tried to explain how to do this, but it put up a box with an x in it. I'll email roach and explain how I did it.

    I wonder if they really put such an ad up on the sign.

    Peace [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by budburner (edited January 17, 2001).]
  9. or if anyone has troubel putting there pict up, email it to me at mailto:rotvoodoo@aol.com

  10. critter, email me those picts you want posted, ill get the on the board for ya

  11. just noticed on the KFC pict. that pict was tampered with. that sign didnt really say "fat thighs....." those words were put there by someone with photo shop or something. but that is still funny as hell. its just not real, just like santa. yes kids, santa is not real. im sorry i had to tell you that. [​IMG]

  12. WTF are you talking about, aero? Santa does exist! Don't tell me that shit!


    Who ever edited that picture did a great job. I thought it was a little far fetched. But it is funny.

    Next I suppose you're gonna say that Rudolph's nose really does not really glow.


    Peace [​IMG]

    [This message has been edited by budburner (edited January 19, 2001).]

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