Hey everyone. as you probably guessed, my name is adam. I like to smoke weed and I was looking for a message board to post on, cuz my old one (ign, some video game site)_changed it so I have to pay. I thought screw that, and put my too hobbies together, and grass city is what I got. you guys seem pretty nice, Ill be here now and then for the next week or so, and if I like it, ill probably stay
welcome welcome...glad to have you..and yes, there are quite a few gamers here..so this will probably be your place ...so yeah,, hope you stay
welcome to the city, this place is free of charge but ya have to smoke us oldies out~ j/k, but ya'all can stay as long as you like! xo~
hey dude ~ I'm pretty new to the site too. Yeah, I agree the 'gamer insider' pay thing sucks on IGN, I basicly haven't been to the site since they put that in. Gamespot also recently converted to a pay site. Really pretty gimp of them when you consider that they dont pay a dime for the 'exclusive' coverage they get. But anyways, this is grasscity, I love this place, welcome
Well, ill tell you what Adam and JHirsh, maybe you will be able to find a board at my bosses site in not to long (it's still in the making). You can find the site at http://www.spotlightgames.com/ P.s. Even if we do get a board, it probably wont top this board.
nope..it never will unknown..know why?...because superjoint will fly down and will smoke your ass out into a retarded oblivion where you will be too messed up to make any decent forum!....SO BE AFRAID!..BE VERY VERY VERY AFRAID!!!!!!!!......welcome adam!
yeah I use to be over at Gamespot alot.. cursing out the the Nintendo fanboys (cause they suck). Now they want me to pay?! Pay to look at screenshots of upcoming games, are they insane..? Neways, grasscity is cool as shit, people are real nice and stuff.. you should see the flame wars they have over at cannabisworld, those people hate each other
sorry for you having to see nubbin...it seems his handlers lost track of him again...well get him into custody as soon as possible so you can roam grasscity at night safely.....wtf was that?......OH GOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD THE ICE CREAM MAN.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........................................*struggling and fighting*...........................................................*ZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP*.....................I GOT HIM I GOT HIM I GOT HIM...OK......its safe now
ive heard spleens are tasty....mmmm......food......*drool*..... on another note...i just noticed that some other comedy blade and i usually take over a thread with our rantings....hehe*lil schoolgirl giggle*
yeah...its kinda pathetic....this forums gonna go down hill form now on thanks to NAMRON!(which is NORMAN BACKWARDS!!!!)
yeah man, IGN has gone down the shitter ever since they have turned into a pay site. It started small with a few guides, and then before you knew it they had everything new locked out.
wahoo! my first post, this is fun you guys (i mean everyone at grasscity!) are all awesome! thanks for making me feel so welcome here for so long. noone has ever gave me shit or hassled me. love you all! thanks again everybody.